CESR-CFTC online guides to facilitate Transatlantic Derivatives Business

15 May 2006

A joint task force of regulators from CESR and the U.S. CFTC published ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ in the form of “online guides” for conducting derivatives business in the U.S. and the European Union (EU). These guides include country specific information regarding regulation and supervision in the U.S. and in Europe.

The online guides are divided into sections for each category of user: exchanges, investment services and end-users. In addition, the guides provide useful contact details for specialists within the authorities and links to detailed information (including rules) applicable in the U.S. and in each Member State, and general information on the regulators, exchanges, clearing organisations, investment services, and how to find information about the end-users in each jurisdiction.

Press release
CESR-CFTC online guides

© CESR - Committee of European Securities Regulators