Study "Providing the inventory of reserves of activities linked to professional qualifications in 13 EU Member States

14 February 2012

This study, carried out by CSES (Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services) for the EC's DG Markt, provides a comprehensive inventory of the current reserves of activities in three economic sectors (construction, business services, tourism) and 13 Member States.

It also assesses the economic impacts of these reserved activities, notably in terms of market structure, productivity, turnover and employment.

This study was not directly concerned with assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of PQD, since this has been subject to a separate evaluation. However, barriers to the free  movement of professionals linked to reserves of activities may arise in the case of professionals moving from a Member State in which a given profession is non-regulated to one in which it is regulated. The PQD foresees a special mechanism to facilitate mutual recognition in that a professional from a non-regulating country should prove two years of professional experience or he/she has followed a regulated education or training.

On 19 December 2011 the Commission presented a legislative proposal to modernise the Directive. This proposal includes a provision on the transparency and mutual evaluation of regulated professions. It also addressed the above requirement of two years of professional experience. The  Services Directive was adopted at the end of 2006 with the aim of facilitating the full implementation of the Internal Market in the services sector and modernising the legal framework in respect of the provision of services activities. The main aim of the Services Directive is to unlock the full economic and job-creation potential of the EU’s internal market in services, which has been estimated as potentially adding up to an additional 0.6-1.5 per cent of EU GDP by removing unjustified and disproportionate barriers. The Directive  concerns activities which account for 40 per cent of EU27 GDP and for a high proportion of total employment. It complements the Professional Qualifications Directive for regulated professions by dealing with other matters than those linked to the recognition of  professional qualifications (commercial communications, insurance, multidisciplinary partnerships).

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