EBA report shows that the guidelines on methods for calculating contributions to DGSs have broadly met their aims but review is needed

17 January 2018

The Report on the implementation of its Guidelines on methods for calculating contributions to deposit guarantee schemes (DGSs) concludes that further analysis and greater experience of the risk-based systems in use is needed before proposing any changes to the current Guidelines.

The EBA's analysis shows that the Guidelines have broadly met the aim of introducing different contribution levels for institutions according to their riskiness. However, the analysis also finds that the method outlined in the Guidelines, and currently in use, allows too much flexibility, and it may need to be reviewed in the future to ensure a more consistent approach, while still catering for national specificities.

The Report also highlights that the approach taken by Member States in line with the Guidelines seems to ensure a good level of transparency to stakeholders and not to cause excessive additional reporting requirements. Therefore, at present, there does not appear to be a specific need for amending the Guidelines. However, some further ideas in the way information is disclosed to the contributing institutions may be considered in the future.

The preliminary conclusions of the EBA's assessment are based on limited experience of operating risk-based contributions systems across most DGSs. In addition, the data only covers one year of risk-based contributions based on the method outlined in the Guidelines. With time, better quality data and a longer time series will become available. Therefore, further analysis and greater experience of the risk-based systems will be needed before proposing any changes to the current Guidelines.

Press release
