Tuesday, 1 February 2011, 10.30 – 13.30

01 February 2011

European Finance Forum, kindly hosted by Sharon Bowles, MEP, Chair ECON Committee. Room A5G-1 (Altiero Spinelli Building), European Parliament, Brussels Tuesday, 1 February 2011. Please inform hannah.sassone@grahambishop.com if you wish to attend and confirm if you have an EP security pass.


European Finance Forum

Kindly hosted by Sharon Bowles,

MEP, Chair ECON Committee

Room A5G-1 (Altiero Spinelli Building),

European Parliament, Brussels

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


(Please note that speakers’ own timetable can change at the last minute, given the current legislative activity, and we will adjust the programme as necessary)

10.00 Members without an EP pass should meet at Rue Wiertz 60

10.20 Adam Pritchard will escort members from security to the room. Please note there will be no access thereafter unless you can arrange your own pass.

10.45-11.30: PRIPS Discussion Ugo Bassi Head of Unit G4- Asset Management at DG Markt together with Oonagh McDonald, Commentator on PRIPS for Graham Bishop.com

11.30-12.30: Commission’s plans for new proposals during Hungarian Presidency, and Hungarian Presidency plans for advancing those already underway: Paulina Dejmek Member of Commissioner Barnier’s Cabinet;  Dezséri Barnabás Member of the Hungarian Permanent Representation - Financial Services attaché

12.30 -13.30 ECON’s Schedule, and the issues as ECON sees it: Sharon Bowles MEP Chair, ECON Committee

- End of formal meeting: Sandwiches and wine will be available.