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2013 Germany
2013-12-18 Chancellor Merkel: For a strong Europe
2013-12-18 SPD 'yes' vote paves way to Merkel III government
2013-12-12 Fitch: Low interest rates limit upside for German banks in 2014
2013-12-11 Merkel's CDU approves German coalition deal
2013-12-09 German Council of Economic Experts: Executive summary of the Annual Economic Report 2013/14
2013-12-06 Bundesbank: Outlook for the German economy - Macro-economic projections for 2014 and 2015
2013-12-04 "Groko" - Germany on its way to a new government
2013-12-03 The German 'Grand Coalition' - Commentary review
2013-11-28 CDU/CSU and SPD reach grand coalition agreement
2013-11-22 FFO/Link: Europe 2014 – Europe's agenda for the coming months
2013-11-20 German coalition negotiations - progress made but financing still up in the air
2013-11-18 EBA/Enria: The Single Market after the Banking Union
2013-11-14 German coalition negotiations halfway but many issues still disputed
2013-11-13 EU to review excessive German trade surplus
2013-11-13 German Council of Economic Experts publishes Annual Economic Report 2013/14 - "Against a back-oriented economic policy"
2013-11-11 VP Rehn's blog: Turning Germany's surplus into a win-win for the eurozone
2013-11-06 German coalition negotiations - slow progress
2013-11-05 President Barroso: "This crisis is first and foremost a political stress test"
2013-11-05 Germany: Autumn 2013 economic forecast - Steady expansion ahead
2013-10-31 German parties agree outlines of Europe policy
2013-10-28 German coalition negotiations commence
2013-10-25 EUobserver: Germany gets its way on reform 'contracts'
2013-10-23 Germany: Before the start of the coalition negotiations
2013-10-23 UK/Germany to lead on EU reform?
2013-10-21 Germany's SPD agrees to enter into coalition talks with Merkel
2013-10-16 Germany: Greens decide not to pursue further talks with Merkel's CDU/CSU
2013-10-09 Coalition talks in Germany progress slowly
2013-10-09 Strong National Front showing in French by-election alarms Socialists
2013-10-08 Exploratory talks in Germany - the long route to the next coalition government
2013-10-04 European and foreign policy changes under Merkel III?
2013-10-03 German coalition talks to start on Friday - Press round-up
2013-09-30 Jean Pisani-Ferry: Angela Merkel's return to Europe
2013-09-24 Spiegel: Social Democrats demand new stance on Europe from Merkel
2013-09-23 Implications and uncertainties after Merkel's election triumph - Commentary review
2013-09-23 Merkel wins German elections by wide margin
2013-09-23 Wolfgang Münchau: Merkel's almost total political triumph and its economic consequences
2013-09-23 Deutsche Bank: Pyrrhic victory for Angela Merkel
2013-09-20 The final push - German election outcome wide open
2013-09-19 German election round-up: Polls narrow as campaigns draw to a close
2013-09-17 The Bavarian Barometer - Victory for Merkel's allies in state election
2013-09-17 FT: EU faces hard decisions after German election pause
2013-09-15 Wolfgang Münchau: Germany’s 'boring' election is vital to the eurozone
2013-09-12 BFM: Q&A with the German Parliamentary State Secretary Hartmut Koschyk on financial regulation
2013-09-09 Germany and the European question
2013-09-09 CDU embarks on final sprint to German election day
2013-09-08 Election round-up: Germany's eurosceptic AfD party gains support
2013-09-02 Not a game-changer: TV 'duel' between Merkel and Steinbrück factual and mainly balanced
2013-08-28 BFM: With sound finances, steady growth and high employment, Germany is in good shape
2013-08-27 FAZ: German federal government wants to reduce debt significantly
2013-08-19 German SPD ties itself in knots over tax pledge
2013-08-15 Merkel's summer interview: National music to British ears
2013-08-09 The German Bundestag intends to strengthen its participation in EU affairs
2013-08-08 Waiting and speculating – Potential coalition calculations in the German media
2013-08-07 Fitch affirms Germany at 'AAA'; outlook stable
2013-08-06 IMF Executive Board concludes 2013 Article IV consultation with Germany
2013-08-05 Josef Joffe: Merkel will do what she must to get the vote
2013-08-01 Handelsblatt/Papier: German Constitutional Court cannot stop ECB
2013-07-25 Luigi Zingales: German banks on top
2013-07-24 German elections - The campaigns intensify, slowly
2013-07-24 FDP/Brüderle attaches conditions to continuation of governing coalition
2013-07-22 Deutsche Bank: Euroscepticism to prevail in CDU/CSU and FDP after the election?
2013-07-21 Handelsblatt: Germany is not the scapegoat of the euro crisis - Issing
2013-07-19 Chancellor Merkel: Germany is in great shape
2013-07-19 Guardian: 'We Germans don't want a German Europe' - Schäuble
2013-07-17 FAZ: German confidence in the EU is growing
2013-07-16 Deutsche Bank: EU and national financial regulation - Not a major election issue in Germany (so far)
2013-07-14 Germany's anti-euro party stalls before election
2013-07-14 Schäuble: Everything is contingent upon budgetary approval
2013-07-10 BMWI: The economic situation in Germany in July 2013
2013-07-09 Bundesbank Monthly Report: June 2013
2013-07-07 Georg Link: "Deepening, enlarging, simplifying – Challenges for German policy on Europe"
2013-07-03 BdB/Krautscheid: Separating banks is bad for the economy
2013-07-03 VP Rehn's blog: Germany - 'Wachstum durch Wandel'
2013-07-01 Reuters Special Report: The Bundesbank's fight to be heard
2013-06-27 Chancellor Merkel: For stable budgets and growth
2013-06-26 DW: Merkel cabinet approves 2014 budget
2013-06-26 German election update: CDU/CSU/FDP coalition increasingly likely to continue
2013-06-24 Deutsche Bank German Policy Watch: The CDU/CSU election manifesto - Something for everyone
2013-06-23 WSJ: Merkel spending plan targeted before vote
2013-06-23 CDU adopts new government programme 2013-2017; Liberals unhappy
2013-06-20 German election update: Possible majority for present coalition in September
2013-06-16 SZ: Schäuble wants Europe to manage without IMF
2013-06-08 Reuters: Merkel urges more EU structural reforms
2013-06-07 Bundesbank: German economy slowly picking up again
2013-06-06 Wolfgang Schäuble – Interview with the Spanish newspaper ABC
2013-06-04 Steinbrück calls for Marshall Plan against euro crisis; new alliance between Germany, France and Poland
2013-06-03 Germany—2013 Article IV Consultation: Concluding Statement of the IMF Mission
2013-06-02 FT: Merkel risks austerity reputation with election spending promises
2013-05-24 Reuters: German economy to pick up but fall short of traditional pace
2013-05-22 Statement on the meeting between German Finance Minister Schäuble and Portuguese Finance Minister Gaspar
2013-05-20 FT: Berlin plans to streamline EU but avoid wholesale treaty change
2013-05-14 Deutsche Bank: German political camps at loggerheads in slow-motion campaign
2013-04-29 Bloomberg: Merkel's party shuns 'stone age' Greens amid tax rise pledge
2013-04-25 Reuters: German finance minister hits out at Barroso over austerity remarks
2013-04-25 FT: Merkel speech highlights European divide
2013-04-25 BMWi: German government's economic forecast for 2013 and 2014 - Minister Rösler: 2013 will be a good year
2013-04-22 EUobserver: Merkel - No German hegemony in Europe
2013-04-22 BFM: Germany is benefiting from the euro
2013-04-22 Finance Watch: Position paper on German bank reform
2013-04-21 Reuters: German economy to grow by well over one per cent from 2014
2013-04-16 Bundesbank: German Maastricht debt level for 2012 - €2.17 trillion, or 81.9 per cent of GDP
2013-04-15 EUobserver: Anti-euro party officially launched in Germany
2013-04-14 Telegraph: German 'Wise Men' push for wealth seizure to fund EMU bailouts
2013-04-13 British PM statement regarding Merkel/Cameron meeting
2013-04-11 FT: Cameron woos Merkel again on EU reform
2013-04-09 Deutsche Bank survey: Germans embrace euro despite on-going crisis: 68 per cent expect it to remain currency of Germany
2013-04-01 Spiegel interview with former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder
2013-03-28 Business Insider: Bernd Lucke - Alternative für Deutschland's plan for Germany and the euro
2013-03-28 IPEX: The German Bundestag intends to strengthen its participation in EU affairs
2013-03-26 DW: Berlin can't fix 'austerity dictator' image alone
2013-03-14 Deutsche Bank: The SPD's new 'government' programme - Another sign of reform fatigue in Germany
2013-03-10 Telegraph: Germany's anti-euro party is a nasty shock for Angela Merkel
2013-03-10 DW: Merkel's ailing coalition partner FDP seeks electoral revival as defender of euro
2013-03-09 Reuters: Schäuble - British exit from EU would be catastrophic
2013-02-22 Spiegel: 'A timeless canon of values' - German President makes plea for more Europe
2013-02-22 Deutsche Bank: Germans like neither the present coalition nor fundamental political changes
2013-01-30 AGB on German draft legislation to ring-fence risks and plans for the recovery and resolution of banks
2013-01-27 Reuters: German lawmakers give Britain's Cameron qualified backing on EU
2013-01-24 FT: Merkel says eurozone not 'closed shop' to UK
2013-01-23 AGB warns of the consequences of a debate on the UK leaving the EU
2013-01-21 EUobserver: Regional elections spell trouble for Merkel
2013-01-18 BaFin: Act on the Strengthening of German Financial Supervision
2013-01-16 Reuters: German push for Liikanen consensus could help Deutsche Bank
2013-01-15 AGB: German business sector backs universal banking system
2013-01-13 FT: Poll to shine spotlight on Merkel's ally
2013-01-10 Independent: Senior Angela Merkel allies warn David Cameron not to blackmail EU

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