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This section focuses on the political attitudes as well as international financial, economic and political news that shape the creation of a single financial market, rather than the technical details of proposals.

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Policy impacting Finance - 2022289 articles out of 289.

Policy impacting Finance - 2021234 articles out of 234.

Policy impacting Finance - 2020248 articles out of 248.

Policy impacting Finance - 201957 articles out of 57.

Policy impacting Finance - 201880 articles out of 80.

Policy impacting Finance - 2017126 articles out of 126.

Policy impacting Finance - 201697 articles out of 97.

Policy impacting Finance - 201593 articles out of 93.

Policy impacting Finance - 201489 articles out of 89.

Policy impacting Finance - 2013161 articles out of 161.

2012 Policy impacting Finance
2012-12-18 FSA: The Financial Services Bill - Implementing markets powers, decision-making procedures and penalties policies
2012-12-17 Rita Laura D'Ecclesia: Improving the European Commission's PRIPs proposals
2012-12-14 Remarks by President Van Rompuy following the first session of the European Council
2012-12-14 European Council conclusions on completing EMU - Adopted on 14 December 2012
2012-12-11 Clifford Chance: Financial Stability Board Policy Recommendations: November 2012 – A Silhouette of the Future of Shadow Banking
2012-12-10 Main results of the Competitiveness Council: Professional Qualifications Directive
2012-12-10 Modernisation of state aid rules - Impact on competitiveness
2012-12-10 Tim Adams appointed to succeed Charles Dallara as IIF Managing Director
2012-12-05 Credit rating agencies: Council confirms agreement with EP
2012-12-05 State Aid: Commission proposes to reform state aid procedures and exempt certain categories of aid from prior notification
2012-12-03 FSA consults on plans for temporary product intervention rules
2012-11-28 ECON Committee: Deal on stricter EU rules for sovereign debt ratings
2012-11-26 EFR publishes report: "How regulation can preserve the contribution of financial firms to economic growth in Europe"
2012-11-25 FT: Engagement without payment, FSA says
2012-11-23 Presidency Background Paper: Modernisation of the State aid rules - Impact on EU Competitiveness
2012-11-20 Plenary Session: Towards common fees for card payments
2012-11-18 FSB publishes for consultation initial integrated set of recommendations to strengthen oversight and regulation of shadow banking
2012-11-13 Structured Products Europe - PRIPs scope could be extended, says EC official
2012-11-13 Presidency conclusions: EU State Aid Modernisation
2012-11-12 EFAMA comments on the European Commission proposal for a Directive of the EP/EC on insurance mediation
2012-11-08 Finance Watch publishes position paper on Packaged Retail Investment Products (PRIPs)
2012-11-02 IASB welcomes FSB's Enhanced Disclosure Task Force Report
2012-10-31 Insurance Europe: PRIPs - Quality not quantity of information
2012-10-30 Ian Williams: The EBA, consumer protection and the "retailisation" of complex products
2012-10-30 BIS hosts first GPFI conference on standard-setting bodies and financial inclusion
2012-10-29 FSB welcomed EDTF report, 'Enhancing the Risk Disclosures of Banks'
2012-10-26 Plenary Session: Tougher rules to protect investors and curb high-frequency trading
2012-10-18 EuroFinuse Response to Sven Giegold MEP Call for Input on UCITS, PRIPs and IMD Legislation
2012-10-16 FSA/Wheatley sets out the 'Journey to the FCA'
2012-10-15 FSA: Changes to authorisations
2012-10-04 FSA/Bailey: Prudential regulation - Challenges for the future
2012-10-04 European Banking Authority: Work Programme 2013
2012-10-01 ESMA publishes 2013 work programme
2012-10-01 EBF Position on the regulation on Key Information Documents for investment products
2012-09-25 IMCO Committee: Member States must stop dragging their feet, say single market MEPs
2012-09-21 EFAMA comments on European Commission proposal for a Regulation on KIDs for investment products
2012-09-19 Bundesbank/Dombret: Global rules for global financial markets
2012-09-18 UK Government publishes consultation on macro-prudential tools for the Financial Policy Committee
2012-09-17 Almunia: Competition control is one of the most important factors to achieve the ultimate goal of establishing a genuine Single Market
2012-09-12 Plenary Session: Economic crisis and democracy dominate State of the Union debate
2012-09-12 UK Regulatory Reform: PRA and FCA regimes relating to aspects of authorisation and supervision
2012-09-07 Luxembourg for Finance: EU financial centres break new ground
2012-09-06 Commissioner Barnier: Making financial centres contribute to the wider economy
2012-08-16 Bundesbank/Dombret: International coordination to enforce regulatory reform
2012-08-03 Commission consults on tax obstacles to cross-border venture capital investment
2012-07-27 ABBL: PRIPs - With the best of intentions
2012-07-20 AILO comments on latest drafts of PRIPS Regulation and IMD2
2012-07-15 FT: Grumbles over PRIPs, despite thumbs up
2012-07-13 Cypriot Presidency priorities as presented in EP committees
2012-07-12 Review of the Balance of Competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union
2012-07-10 European Council issues country-specific recommendations
2012-07-10 Bank recovery and resolution: EU-wide rules on the Council's table
2012-07-10 European Commission: Investors' interests first under new rules
2012-07-04 Plenary Session: Basic banking services must be available to all
2012-07-04 IMA supports EU investor protection package but calls for additional measures
2012-07-04 ABI response to the European Commission’s proposals on IMD II and PRIPs
2012-07-03 Commission proposes legislation to improve consumer protection in financial services
2012-07-03 FSA/Lord Turner: Chairman's speech at FSA's Annual Public Meeting
2012-07-03 EBF: Europe’s banks welcome PRIPs Regulation
2012-07-03 PRIPs regulation must put the interests of investors first, say European industry bodies
2012-07-03 EU investment fund and insurance rules (UCITS, IMD, PRIPs) - Commission tiptoes towards strengthened consumer protection
2012-06-29 European Council Conclusions - 28/29 June 2012
2012-06-22 Vice-President Almunia: Competition Policy in times of restructuring
2012-06-22 European Council debates financial transaction tax
2012-06-22 EUobserver: Ministers bury Robin Hood tax, splinter version possible
2012-06-19 FSA publishes annual report for 2011/12
2012-06-17 Mexico – EU summit joint statement
2012-06-15 Latest EC PRIPs draft shifts burden further towards structured product creators
2012-06-08 UK Treasury Committee publishes report on the Financial Services Bill
2012-06-07 Commissioner Barnier: Financial regulation, fiscal consolidation, governance, growth - Europe is taking up its challenges
2012-05-29 Regulation should not undermine shareholders‘ role – says IMA evidence to TSC inquiry into corporate governance and remuneration
2012-05-25 PRIPS euro edict could hit auto-enrolment, says Shadow Rapporteur Kamall
2012-05-21 FN: Level regulatory playing field remains a distant goal
2012-05-21 Danish Presidency: Agreement on new rules for credit rating agencies
2012-05-16 State Bank of Pakistan/Anwar: International regulatory initiatives to enhance global financial stability
2012-05-10 SIFMA statement regarding the orderly resolution of systemically important financial institutions
2012-05-10 Nicolas Véron: Move the Financial Stability Board’s secretariat to Asia
2012-05-08 State Aid: Commission launches major initiative to modernise State Aid control
2012-05-08 Joaquín Almunia: Speech on State Aid modernisation
2012-04-27 FSB publishes report: 'Securities Lending and Repos: Market Overview and Financial Stability Issues'
2012-04-27 Commissioner Šemeta: Tax challenges and opportunities in an ever-closer Union
2012-04-27 Patrick Honohan: Philosophy of regulation and supervision
2012-04-26 ECON Committee: Financial markets should be organised, transparent and fair for investors
2012-04-26 Commission published the European Financial Stability and Integration Report (EFSIR)
2012-04-25 ECON Committee: Financial transaction tax - a wider and stronger net is possible
2012-04-23 IASB/FASB joint update on their accounting convergence
2012-04-20 Ministers renew the mandate of the Financial Action Task Force until 2020
2012-04-19 EP Plenary: Combating tax fraud and evasion
2012-04-19 ACCA welcomes European Parliament's step towards a single set of corporate tax rules to facilitate EU businesses cross-border activities
2012-04-18 VoxEU: Eurosystem TARGET balance deviations call for cautious changing of the EU banking landscape
2012-04-18 IFAC: Request to G20 for solution of inconsistent, unreliable public sector financial reporting
2012-04-17 Commissioner Šemeta presents the "revised Regulation on European Statistics"
2012-04-17 IMF Director, Christine Lagarde: Opening remarks at the IMF/CFP Policy Roundtable on the future of financial regulation
2012-04-11 EBA, ESMA and EIOPA publish two reports on Money Laundering
2012-04-11 European Commission published a report on the application of the Third Anti-Money Laundering Directive
2012-04-09 FED Bernanke scrutinises shadow banking system
2012-04-04 FSB launched peer review on risk governance
2012-03-29 EU finance and economy ministers and central bank governors will discuss the economic crisis and financial regulation in Copenhagen
2012-03-27 Barnier: Making financial regulation serve society through civil society and consumer participation
2012-03-26 FT: PM urged to defend City over EU rules
2012-03-22 Statement by President Barroso following the opening session of the second high-level conference on the Multiannual Financial Framework
2012-03-15 FSB: Enhancing the contribution of external audit to financial stability
2012-03-14 Sharon Bowles: “We must protect European financial watchdog funding”
2012-03-14 Financial transaction tax: First technical reading completed
2012-03-13 FSA published an analysis of the main risks facing consumers in the financial services sector
2012-03-05 Commissioner Šemeta sent a letter to the Danish Presidency on bilateral tax deals
2012-03-05 Sharon Bowles: There is a need to tackle double non-taxation
2012-03-05 Commissioner Šemeta: Crisis has changed attitudes to how we approach taxation within the EU
2012-02-29 ECON Committee consideration of draft report on CRAs
2012-02-24 FSA to move to a ‘twin peaks’ operating model
2012-02-17 Mexican G20 Presidency published discussion paper
2012-02-17 Commission published special Eurobarometer survey on retail financial services
2012-02-15 ECON Committee published draft report on CRAs
2012-02-10 Barnier wants all the financial reforms to be in place by the end of his mandate
2012-02-08 European Commission welcomed US move to ensure enhanced international tax cooperation in a more business-friendly way
2012-02-08 FSB published peer review on deposit insurance systems
2012-02-08 Ahead of his visit to US, Barnier sends letter to Bernanke on Volcker rule
2012-02-07 FSA: Update on the regulatory reform programme & European issues
2012-02-06 The EC published a booklet on restoring the health and stability of the EU financial sector
2012-02-02 Czech central bank and other EU members concerned over extended ESMA powers
2012-01-31 MEP Sharon Bowles: The ECB should not be a man's world
2012-01-27 ECON Committee: Exchange of views with Danish Minister for Economic Affairs
2012-01-26 EUA Position Paper on the Commission’s proposed amendments to Directive 2005/36/EC on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
2012-01-24 ECON Committee public hearing on CRAs
2012-01-23 Eurofinas published a unique report on fraud in consumer lending and data protection
2012-01-23 Lib Dem MEP Sharon Bowles re-elected Chair of European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
2012-01-17 Martin Schulz elected as President of the European Parliament
2012-01-16 FN: EU considers 'omnibus' reform rules
2012-01-06 Danish Presidency published its work programme

Prior Years Reports

Policy impacting Finance - 2011233 articles out of 233.

Policy impacting Finance - 2010376 articles out of 376.

Policy impacting Finance - 2009372 articles out of 372.

Policy impacting Finance - 2008600 articles out of 600.

Policy impacting Finance - 2007245 articles out of 245.

Policy impacting Finance - 2006105 articles out of 105.

Policy impacting Finance - 200571 articles out of 71.

Policy impacting Finance - 200435 articles out of 35.