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The existing EU-wide rules from 1987 have not kept pace with the important evolution in this sector and, at the same time, only set minimum standards. They have largely been overtaken by national regulation. The absence of common rules reduced cross-border transactions and led to differences in consumer protection in Member States. Harmonised consumer credit rules throughout the Union will not only increase the protection of consumers across borders but also their confidence and thus strengthen the functioning and the stability of the consumer credit market in the EU.

However, the Commission's original proposal was not subject to modern cost-benefit analysis and Lamfalussy-style pre-legislative consultation. So it had to be modifed and parts of it remains extremely controversial.


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Consumer Credit - 20087 articles out of 7.

Consumer Credit - 200713 articles out of 13.

Consumer Credit - 20067 articles out of 7.

Consumer Credit - 20054 articles out of 4.

Consumer Credit - 20046 articles out of 6.

Consumer Credit - 200311 articles out of 11.

2002 Consumer Credit
2002-09-11 Commission proposal for Consumer Credit Directive

Prior Years Reports