CPD Programme

Continuing Professional Development CPD
We are delighted to be able to offer access to our CPD programme via our `Friends' services - with a variety of products for structured and unstructured CPD.
Our CPD services are approved by the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI).
The monthly "Brussels for Brunch" webcast is initially broadcast live by CISI and is available on-line afterwards.
Our CPD products include:
Our weekly newsletter provides a suggested 4 hours of unstructured CPD per year
We can offer a limited number of places at the Brussels 4 Breakfast itself. This provides 1.5 hours of unstructured CPD per event attended.
Cost per CPD hour:
€24+VAT from Gold Service (5 hours structured CPD from webcasts;4 hours unstuructrued from weekly e-mail)
€20+VAT from Basic Service (5 hours structured CPD from webcasts). This cost per hour can be reduced even further by attending Brussels 4 Breakfast events.
Capital Market Union is designed to encourage citizens to hold a larger share of their savings in the form of securities – thus also encouraging them to take greater risks in return for the possibility of greater returns than those on `guaranteed’ bank deposits. Therefore the onus is being placed squarely on the financial services industry to market products to its clients that are suitable for them and `investor protection’ is a major priority. Indeed, ESMA's Maijor has commented that "a high level of investor protection is essential for a successful CMU. Only when investors feel sufficiently protected will they be willing to enter financial markets."
Given the industry’s lamentable record in recent years and the consequent public distrust, it is not surprising that the public authorities are aiming to create a new degree of professionalism and ethical probity in virtually everyone engaged in financial services. So the ESMA Guidelines (Extracts from these - and relevant MiFID II definitions - here) are designed to draw virtually everyone involved in the securities business into proper professional standards: “This paper is also important for trade associations, investors, and consumer groups, because the guidelines seek to implement enhanced provisions to ensure investor protection with potential impacts for anyone engaged in the dealing with or processing of financial instruments…” [Editor's emphasis]
It is a safe bet that corresponding provisions will eventually apply across the entire spectrum of financial services. Accordingly, GrahamBishop.com will develop its CPD products continuously to keep investment professionals up-to-date with relevant developments in the regulatory field.