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09 April 2012

FED Bernanke scrutinises shadow banking system

Bernanke said the money market mutual fund industry might need a regulatory overhaul, a move that other officials have also proposed.

In his speech, Bernanke highlighted some of the ways the Fed and other agencies are working to increase the resiliency of systemically important financial firms and identify and mitigate systemic risks, including those associated with the so-called shadow banking system.

"The risk of runs created by a combination of fixed net asset values, extremely risk-averse investors, and the absence of explicit loss absorption capacity remains a concern, particularly since some of the tools that policymakers employed to stem the runs during the crisis are no longer available", Bernanke said. 


"Given the substantial stakes, I am encouraged that both regulators and the private sector have begun to take actions to prevent future panics and other disruptions in shadow banking. However, in many key areas these efforts are still at early stages."

He also noted concerns about the Volcker rule, bank capital and other issues facing the industry.

Full speech

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