The Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) foresees that certain exposures to entities located in non-EU countries can be treated, in terms of risk-weights, as exposures in EU Member States, provided that the European Commission adopts an Implementing Decision...
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its
updated questionnaires used for the assessment of regulatory and
supervisory frameworks of third countries, to reflect certain provisions
recently introduced by the revised prudential regulation in the EU.
The Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) foresees that certain
exposures to entities located in non-EU countries can be treated, in
terms of risk-weights, as exposures in EU Member States, provided that
the European Commission adopts an Implementing Decision determining that
the country’s prudential requirements are equivalent to the EU ones.
In the past years, the EBA has been assisting the European Commission
in preparing their decisions on the equivalence of prudential regimes
applicable in third country jurisdictions. Specifically, upon request by
European Commission, the EBA assesses the supervisory and regulatory
requirements of third country jurisdictions. The methodology used for
this type of assessment is based on two questionnaires, which are also
published on the EBA website:
- a 1st step questionnaire, which provides an
initial screening, focusing on the most relevant requirements and
principles and identifying similar laws in place;
- a 2nd step questionnaire, which allows for a
granular and more detailed investigation of third country frameworks by
identifying and mapping similar rules and provisions to the CRR and
analysing the divergences.
Following the entry into force in June 2021 of the most recent
updates of the CRD V and of the Capital Requirement Regulation (CRR2),
the EBA has updated the questionnaires to reflect the provisions
introduced by the new EU framework. The updated questionnaires will
replace the old ones and will be used to conduct future assessments of
the regulatory and supervisory framework of third countries.

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