Speech by Kerstin af Jochnick, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB,
It is a pleasure to be here, and I would like to thank the organisers
for inviting me. I have spent over thirty years of my career in central
banking and supervision. I was head of banking supervision at
Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority), and a
monetary policymaker for Sveriges Riksbank (the Swedish central bank). I
now serve on the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank. With
that in mind, it should come as no surprise to you that today I would
like to discuss an important precept of modern central banking:
institutional independence and accountability.
And I would like to address this issue in the context of
supervision. While central banks often – but not always – perform a
supervisory function, far more attention is given to the need for
accountability and independence in their monetary policy function. That
is why I hope to persuade you that the question of supervisory
independence and accountability, while less discussed, is certainly no
less important. To anticipate the thrust of my argument, I would like to
highlight four key messages.
First, while the principle of supervisory independence has been
broadly accepted for many years now, it has been more difficult to apply
in practice than the classical independence of central banks in the
monetary policy domain. Supervisory independence should therefore
continue to be “nurtured” so it can make up ground. However,
policymakers and legislators should be aware of the specificities of the
banking supervision function when designing independence and
accountability frameworks.
My second message is that independence and accountability are two
sides of the same coin – one cannot exist without the other. While it is
sometimes suggested that accountability is a necessary “counterweight”
to independence, I believe that framing this question as a zero-sum game
essentially amounts to a false dichotomy. Rather than seeing
independence and accountability as mutually exclusive, they should be
seen as mutually reinforcing.
However, for this to be the case, independent and accountable
frameworks need to be underpinned by clear institutional mandates and
well-defined reporting and oversight structures. This is my third
message. The more clearly defined institutional mandates are through
measurable objectives, the easier it will be for the supervisor to
explain whether it has delivered on its goals. There may still be some
room for improvement for both supervisors and legislators in this
regard, even if the ultimate policy goals of banking supervision are
more difficult to measure than those of monetary policy. In addition,
having adequate reporting and oversight structures in place makes it
easier for legislators and the public to hold the supervisor to account,
as well as enhancing the supervisor’s ability to communicate in a
transparent and effective manner. Coupled with clear institutional
mandates, this means that sound accountability structures are supportive
rather than detrimental to the supervisory function.
The fourth message concerns the potential governance modalities
around the supervisory function and whether this authority should be
vested with the central bank or elsewhere. While each model has
advantages and disadvantages, my personal view is that the synergies
arising from combining under one roof the monetary policy and
supervisory function outweigh the potential downsides of this option,
and that adequate safeguards could be put in place so that both
functions smoothly co-exist. This view is also influenced by my
experiences as a policymaker, not least during the coronavirus
(COVID-19) crisis, during which monetary policy and banking supervisory
measures taken by the ECB have worked in the same direction to alleviate
the economic fallout from the pandemic.
Let me elaborate on these key messages, while also drawing on the practices and arrangements in Europe regarding the ECB.
Central bank and supervisory independence: one and the same?
Central bank independence is nowadays widely accepted as an
essential tenet of modern central banking, also thanks to the advocacy
role played by institutions such as the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) for many years. As is well known, the baseline case for central
bank independence stems from the “time inconsistency problem” inherent
in monetary policy – or that policymakers might be tempted to use
monetary policy in a distortionary way. This is because money creation
will have short-term positive effects on growth and employment, while
the costs in terms of higher inflation will only accrue over the medium
to long term. Shielding the central bank from direct political
interference under a rules-based approach towards monetary policy in
pursuit of price stability is thus seen as an efficient way of keeping
this policy trade-off at bay.
The idea of central bank independence for the conduct of monetary
policy was first floated in academic circles during the early 1960s,
gaining traction in official policy circles during the late 1970s and
early 1980s
as many advanced economies struggled with the problem of stagflation.
During the 1990s, the policy consensus around this idea firmed, and by
the end of that decade central banks in almost all advanced economies
and in many emerging economies had been granted independence, albeit in
varying degrees, coupled with policy accountability.
Although central banks were already heavily involved in banking
supervision at the time, the idea of extending independence to the bank
supervisory function per se (or granting independence to the banking
supervisory authority if different from the central bank) took longer to
come to fruition than it did for monetary policy. For example, in the
run-up to the global financial crisis of 2008, there was still no clear
provision for supervisory independence in the Treaty on the Functioning
of the European Union, nor about what this would mean or require in
concrete terms.
This contrasts with the well-defined provisos for central banks in the
monetary policy domain which already existed at the time, with the
Treaty stipulating that the primary objective of the European System of
Central Banks (including that of the ECB) was to maintain price
stability and granting those institutions independence in achieving that
However, to be fair we should also note that as far back as 1997, the Basel Committee’s core principles for banking supervision
already highlighted that supervisors required “operational
independence” to effectively carry out their tasks. I am pleased to say
that this concept is now broadly accepted, and here again institutions
such as the IMF and the World Bank have been instrumental in promoting
compliance with best practices across their membership. However, my
point is that, even when independence was recognised as an important
organising principle of supervision during the period before the global
financial crisis, its relatively generic formulation at the time meant
that the interpretation of what this concept entailed in practice could
vary from country to country. In this respect, it is important to keep
in mind that the Basel Committee’s concept of operational independence
was first developed when banking supervision in some key G10
jurisdictions was housed at the ministry of finance.
Moreover, despite the progress made since then, recent studies
suggest that compliance with this principle is still not widespread at a
global level.
In a European context, a recent report by the European Banking
Authority suggests that while the concept of supervisory independence
has been heavily influenced by authorities being housed within, or with
close ties to, central banks that have long-established independence
requirements, there is still scope for greater clarity on personal
independence as well as further consideration of what is required to
ensure the independence of financial and staff resources while ensuring
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