Significant efforts have been made by institutions to address issues related to legacy instruments; Legacy instruments have been addressed mostly through the use of calls, redemptions, repurchases, buy-backs or amendments to the terms and conditions.
- For a limited residual number of instruments, actions are still ongoing or under consideration.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published an analysis of how its Opinion on the prudential treatment of legacy instruments
has been implemented across the EU. Since the issuance of this Opinion,
the EBA has been working in close cooperation with competent
authorities to monitor any action taken by institutions to mitigate the
infection risk related to such legacy instruments. Overall, the EBA
found that both institutions and competent authorities have made
significant efforts to implement the EBA Opinion in an effective and
consistent manner.
Overall, institutions have made significant efforts to address the
issues related to legacy instruments, mainly by calling, redeeming,
repurchasing, and buying back such instruments or by amending their
terms and conditions. In addition, in a few jurisdictions, the
transposition of Article 48(7) of the Bank Recovery and Resolution
Directive (BRRD) helped mitigating the infection risk, by ensuring all
claims resulting from own funds items have, in national laws governing
normal insolvency proceedings, a lower priority ranking than any claim
that does not result from an own funds item. For a limited number of
instruments, actions are still ongoing or under consideration, with call
options planned to be exercised in the course of 2022 or later. A few
instruments will be kept in a lower category of own funds or as eligible
liabilities or in the balance sheet as non-regulatory capital. Some
more actions could be undertaken or announced in the near future.
Next steps
Competent authorities will continue to monitor the residual limited
and specific cases, and the implementation of the actions planned in
2022 and beyond and report to the EBA. In this context, the EBA’s
communication highlights its expectations going forward and invites
institutions and competent authorities to apply consistently the
existing guidance in view of the new grandfathering period generated
until June 2025 via more recent amendments to the Capital Requirements
Regulation (CRR2). Against this background, the EBA will re-assess when
time comes the need for additional scrutiny on the stock of CRR2 legacy

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