In 2021 the total assets of EU investment funds and OFIs grew by 9.2%, from €39.0 trillion to €42.6 trillion.
The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) has today published the EU Non-bank Financial Intermediation Risk Monitor 2022 (NBFI Monitor).
This is the seventh edition in an annual series monitoring systemic
risks and vulnerabilities related to certain aspects of non-bank
financial intermediation, including investment funds and other financial
institutions (OFIs) such as financial vehicle corporations, security
and derivative dealers and financial corporations engaged in lending. In
2021 the total assets of EU investment funds and OFIs grew by 9.2%,
from €39.0 trillion to €42.6 trillion. The entity-based analysis is
complemented by an activity-based assessment looking at risks and
vulnerabilities in securities financing transactions, derivatives and
securitisations which are used across entities and where risks can arise
from the use and reuse of financial collateral.
This year’s edition of the NBFI Monitor highlights the following risks:
- disorderly
market corrections, possibly leading to losses, substantial redemption
requests and liquidity strains for some investment funds holding less
liquid assets;
- a rise in liquidity and credit risks as bond
funds further increase their holdings of lower-rated and less liquid
fixed income securities;
- excessive use of leverage and interconnectedness that might magnify shocks to financial stability.
complement the main monitoring sections and support the identification
of risk, the NBFI Monitor 2022 includes topical boxes and three special
features. The first special feature uses Archegos as a case study to
illustrate how excessive leverage and concentration risk can
materialise. It also demonstrates how regulatory reporting can be used
to monitor systemic risk and inform macroprudential policy decisions.
The second special feature estimates the impact of an interest rate
shock on bond funds using data on portfolio holdings and derivative
exposures for a sample of the largest EU bond funds. The analysis shows
that the effects for individual funds vary widely and that, for some
bond funds, marked-to-market losses arising from a rise in interest
rates could be substantial. Large losses could lead to increased
redemptions and result in amplification effects, as asset fire sales
could further exacerbate the initial shock to bond prices. The third
special feature considers whether linkages between insurers and
alternative investment funds (AIFs) could contribute to the propagation
of risks for the latter. It demonstrates that risks related to liquidity
transformation and leverage are similar across AIFs, irrespective of
whether insurance companies hold a large proportion of a fund’s assets.
The NBFI Monitor 2022 also provides an initial overview of how the war
in Ukraine has affected non-bank financial intermediation.
© ESRB - European Systemic Risk Board

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