The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today the European Resolution Examination Programme (EREP) for 2023, which identifies key topics for resolution attention across the European Union. The EREP is aimed at shaping resolution authorities` work priorities and respective practices.
line with its mission, the EBA proactively drives convergence in
resolution practices through the selection of topics deserving European
traction. In doing so, the EBA builds on its expertise in EU-wide policy
development, its role in colleges, as well as resolution authorities’
practical experience.
Resolution authorities are expected to consider the following key topics when developing their 2023 priorities:
- how MREL shortfalls are being addressed;
- the development of management information systems for valuation in resolution;
- preparations for managing liquidity needs in resolution;
- Operationalisation of the bail-in strategy.
The EBA will follow up on how these key topics , are i) embedded in
resolution authorities’ priorities for 2023 as well as ii) reflected in
their respective activities throughout the year. The topics identified
in the EREP are also relevant for the EU resolution colleges. Engagement
between home and host college members on these issues will enhance
convergence of activity in the context of cross-border banking groups.
Note to the editors
According to its founding Regulation,
the EBA shall contribute to enhancing supervisory convergence across
the internal market and it shall play an active role in building a
common supervisory culture and consistent supervisory practices
throughout the Union. The EREP, with the identification of key topics
for resolution attention, is an important element of the EBA supervisory
convergence toolkit, which is designed to deliver on this mandate.
The EBA also published today the European Supervisory Examination
Program (ESEP) which is a similar initiative in the prudential
supervisory domain. While the two examination programmes are
independent, they are part of a coordinated initiative to enhance
convergence in Europe.

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