The EU banking package matters now more than ever. We need to stick to our global commitments, faithfully implement Basel III and strengthen supervisory powers.
We call on the co-legislators to focus on the
resilience of the banking sector. Strong rules lead to strong banks, and
strong banks are better able to serve firms, citizens and the economy
at large.
The post-financial crisis overhaul of the Basel
standards has been a long and demanding journey. With the finish line
nearing, Europe is now at a critical juncture: implementing the
internationally agreed Basel III standards will be decisive in keeping
our banking system safe and sound. Europe sat at the negotiating table
in Basel, and the final agreement consequently incorporates many
suggestions and adjustments put forward by European actors. Claims that
the agreement is not a good “fit” for the EU financial sector are
therefore misleading.
We are very concerned that in the ongoing
legislative discussions in the EU Council and the European Parliament on
the EU banking package, numerous calls have been made to deviate from
the international standards. The ECB and the European Banking Authority
(EBA) have consistently argued for a full, timely and faithful
implementation of Basel III. The rules have been carefully articulated
to ensure a worldwide minimum safety net against the plethora of risks
that we painfully experienced during the global financial crisis.
legislative proposal of the European Commission already included
several deviations from the Basel III rules. The EBA and the ECB were
critical of these deviations, as they would leave pockets of risk unaddressed and could increase risks to financial stability.
In a report published in September 2022
the EBA estimated that the Commission’s proposal would reduce by 3.2
percentage points the expected increase in Tier 1 aggregate capital
requirements stemming from the Basel III reform at the end of the
phase-in period.
Even this estimate is likely to understate the actual differential, as
due to limited data availability only some of the Commission’s proposed
deviations could be quantitatively assessed.
The EU Council and
the Parliament are assessing the introduction of further deviations from
Basel III in different areas, including the risk weighting of equity
intra-group exposures, of subordinated debt, exposures to land
acquisition, development and construction and off-balance sheet trade
finance exposures.
At stake here are the reputation, the
competitiveness and, ultimately, the funding costs of the EU banking
sector. Back in December 2014, the Basel Committee already deemed the EU
to be “materially non-compliant”.
If all deviations under discussion make it into the final legislative
package, we cannot rule out the Basel Committee labelling the EU to
“non-compliant” (the lowest possible grade).
The Basel III rules
were endorsed by both the Financial Stability Board and the G20. We
therefore risk undermining global cohesion and weakening the EU’s
standing in international negotiations if we do not keep our
commitments. The current geopolitical disorder shows how important it is
to safeguard cohesion and cooperation at global level. Most
importantly, Europe and European banks would suffer not only in terms of
reputation, but also in terms of resilience. The COVID-19 pandemic
again demonstrated the virtue of strong banks for the economy. European
banks acted not as shock amplifiers, but as shock absorbers during the
pandemic. Today, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the energy crisis
are shaping a highly uncertain outlook. We are convinced that the
overriding principle for this banking package – the needle in our
compass – must be prudence.
Our concerns regarding the proposed
deviations are not limited to the capital relief relative to the pure
Basel regime. A leading principle for both the EBA and the ECB has been
to introduce a regulatory regime that limits complexity as much as
possible. However modest in terms of capital relief, the inclusion of
additional deviations from the Basel standards will inevitably make the
system more complex. This not only adds to the cost of compliance for
banks, but also complicates the work of supervisors and market
We also need strong supervision. This means
empowering supervisors with all the tools necessary to ensure that banks
keep their risks under control. Another priority for the banking
package is to therefore close gaps in our current rulebook. We clearly
need increased ambition on environmental, social and governance risks.
However, the work of both the ECB and the EBA
in this area shows that banks are lagging behind on this front. Not
only will ambitious proposals in the EU banking package help banks to
rectify these shortcomings, they will also ensure supervisors can step
in should banks fall behind. This will also help cement the EU’s global
leadership role in this important area, which is developing quickly. It
will therefore be important that the final agreement not only shows the
way in terms of ambition, but also sets out a framework that remains
risk-based and which allows scope for future developments in an area
that will evolve rapidly over the coming years.
Finally, we need
sound and harmonised rules for third country branches. We also need
tools to avoid inappropriate bank management and poor governance. In
order not to fall short in addressing these risks, it is important that
the co-legislators do not to lower the ambition compared to the
Commission’s proposal. Notably on the fit and proper assessment of
banks’ management, we need an ambitious improvement of the rules to
tackle the challenges we see. Only capable decision-makers can enable
sound decisions and sound risk management, and supervisors need to be
able to intervene accordingly. Looking ahead, this is clearly the most
effective way of avoiding problems in banks.
Banking supervision
© ECB - European Central Bank

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