In 2020, despite the pandemic, the SRB continued to make progress in
strengthening the resolution of banks, implementing resolution policies,
progressing on the operationalisation of the early introduction of the
common backstop and intensifying dialogue with banks, key resolution and
supervisory authorities – in Europe and Internationally.
The SRB focused its work on a uniform 12-month resolution planning
cycle, further reinforcing the resolvability of SRB entities and less
significant institutions (LSIs), as well as preparing and carrying out
effective crisis management. 2020 also saw the announcement of the early
introduction of the common backstop to the Single Resolution Fund,
which will come into operation in 2022.
In addition, the SRB published guidance documents in particular for bail-in operationalisation in
close collaboration with national resolution authorities, and released
its standardised data set to ensure that the minimum needed data is
available to support a robust valuation for bank resolution.
The SRB also proactively reached out to stakeholders and the general public by updating its Expectations for Banks (EfB) document to reflect industry feedback. This document provides guidance to banks to reach resolvability stepwise by 2024.
You can find the Annual Report below: