These Implementation Guidelines set out the SEPA rules for implementing the interbank ISO 20022 XML message standards based on version 1.2 of the 2017 SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) rulebook, which took effect on 28 June 2018.
The 2017 v2.1 IGs published on 28 June 2018, which replace v2.0, include the following updates:
The ‘candidate’ ISO 20022 messages related to the SCT inquiry processes (i.e. Claim Non-Receipt, Claim for Value Date Correction and Response to the SCT inquiries) were replaced by the ISO 20022 approved versions.
The errata to the SCT Interbank IGs 2017 v2.0.
It should be noted that the SCT inquiry processes will only become effective in November 2019, as stated in the current version of the 2017 SCT scheme rulebook.
SEPA XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) related to the aforementioned IGs are also made available. (Note: XSD files can be opened via a text editor (e.g. Microsoft Notepad) or XML Schema editor.)
EPC115-06 SCT_Interbank IG 2017 V2.1
EPC115-06 SCT_Interbank IG 2017 V2.1. XSD

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