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14 September 2012

EEA EFTA Comment on the Commission's proposal on the modernisation of the Professional Qualifications Directive

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have submitted an EEA EFTA Comment to the EU on the Commission's proposal on the moder­nisation of the professional qualifications rules, in which they welcomed the efforts of the EU to modernise and simplify the Directive on Professional Qualifications.

They also supported the emphasis on the importance of lifelong learning. Next week, the proposal will be discussed both in the European Parliament and the European Council.

The EEA EFTA States believe that it is essential for the Directive to set out simple rules clearly, which at the same time ensure high quality services and safety for consumers.

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway also expressed their general support for a European Professional Card. They believe that such a card could be especially useful for regulated harmonised professions. However, the EEA EFTA States pointed out that the functioning of the card depends on sufficient quality and availability of information provided by the different EEA states.

The proposal also addresses public concerns about languages skills and the lack of effective alerts about professional malpractice, notably in the health sector. The EEA EFTA States share these concerns and support the proposed alert mechanism.

However, the EEA EFTA States show reluctance to allow partial access to professions for partially qualified professionals, particularly concerning the health sector in view of possible health risks for patients. Also the EEA EFTA States believe that essential differences in qualification levels and the duration of education should appropriately be taken into account.

The Internal Market is facing an increasing shortage of skilled workers. In response thereto, the European Commission is promoting the mobility of qualified professionals within the Internal Market. Fast and simple recognition of professional qualifications is a crucial key in this regard.

The EEA EFTA Comment is available in full text here.

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