The FSA says advisers no longer have to spend a minimum of one hour on structured CPD activities, it will permit 30 minutes instead.
Included among its previous examples of structured professional development activities were attending courses, seminars, lectures, conferences or workshops "which require attendance for one hour or more". However, following feedback from the industry, it has amended its Handbook description so it specifies activities of 30 minutes or more
"We recognise that requiring an hour minimum may cause difficulties for advisers and limit opportunities for CPD activity to be carried out", the regulator says in today's FSA professionalism Policy Statement.
"Advisers must be able to demonstrate they have completed structured CPD and this should include a record with evidence of learning activity completed, the target learning outcome and how this has been met, and (if assessed) the result of the assessment."
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Policy Statement: Professionalism - delivering the RDR
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