The forthcoming International Education Standard 7 (Revised), Continuing Professional Development, introduces a number of changes relating to the standard’s requirements and structure, as well as the explanatory materials.
Improving professional competence development and maintenance through CPD serves the public interest by enabling professional accountants to provide high-quality services to clients, employers and other stakeholders.
Along with the IES, a range of implementation support materials are under development. Planned support includes resources on:
Relevant and adequate CPD
Measurement approaches examples
CPD frameworks
In addition, IAESB members and technical advisors are developing series of videos that will be released with the IES. These videos focus on professional accountancy organization, accounting firm and accountants in business perspectives.
IAESB stakeholders and those involved in the provision, measurement or monitoring of CPD can expect to see IES 7 (Revised) in the first quarter of 2019 along with the support materials.
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