Following the publication of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority’s (EIOPA) opinion to the European Commission on the review of Solvency II, deputy director general of Insurance Europe, Olav Jones, said:
“The review of Solvency II offers the opportunity to fix problems in
the framework so that it properly reflects the real risks faced by
insurers, and to reduce operational burdens. Doing so would enable
insurers to invest more in the economy, provide more long-term savings
products and protection to customers, and to be more competitive on the
international stage.
“This is why it is disappointing that EIOPA has published an opinion
to the European Commission that ignores this potential and would instead
make Solvency II even more conservative, without proving that overall
capital levels are currently too low. In fact, the advice would, in the
long run, result in a less competitive European insurance industry that
could invest less in the economy and provide fewer long-term savings
products and offer lower returns to customers. Such an outcome is
completely unnecessary and must be avoided by the co-legislators - the
European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the
EU - who will decide the changes that the review will introduce to the
current framework.
“While Solvency II overall works well, it is widely recognised that
important areas do need improvement. These are the treatment of
long-term business and reducing excessive operational burdens. Work to
address the flaws in the treatment of long-term business can and should
be done in a way that removes barriers and helps to facilitate the
Commission’s ambitions in key projects such as the Green Deal and the
Capital Markets Union. EIOPA’s opinion would not achieve this and
overall risks increasing barriers rather than reducing them.
“Operational burdens can be reduced by making proportionality work
and by streamlining reporting requirements. This will reduce costs for
consumers and allow insurers and supervisors to focus on the material
risks faced by the industry, while also supporting a diverse range of
large and small insurers in the market. While EIOPA’s opinion in this
respect is a helpful step in the right direction, it needs important
improvements in order to get proportionality to fully work in practice
and to avoid increasing the reporting burden.
“Finally, it is important that the review only focusses on the parts
of Solvency II that really need to be fixed, and not on an overhaul of
the framework, which is what EIOPA’s very extensive list of potential
changes seems to envisage. The industry therefore calls on the
Commission to take an approach to the review that reduces the number of
problems in Solvency II, instead of one that increases them.”
Insurance Europe
© InsuranceEurope
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