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17 August 2011

EIOPA launches consultation on the equivalence assessment of the Bermudan, Japanese and Swiss supervisory systems

The goal of this equivalence assessment is to ensure that the third country regulatory and supervisory regimes provide a similar level of policyholder/beneficiary protection to the one provided under the Solvency II Directive.

In June 2010, the European Commission asked CEIOPS, EIOPA’s preceding organisation, to provide advice on whether the supervisory regimes of Bermuda, Japana nd Switzerland meet criteria of equivalence.

EIOPA is currently seeking input on the equivalence assessment of Bermuda, Japan and Switzerland and invites market participants and interested parties to provide experience and information on relevant aspects of the supervisory practices and insurance regulatory regimes in the three countries respectively.

This consultation starts on Wednesday, 17 August, 2011 and ends on Friday, 23 September, 2011. Comments should be submitted via email to Equivalence. Comments submitted after the deadline or not submitted on the provided template cannot be processed.

EIOPA welcomes comments from all interested parties on all three or individual supervisory regimes of Bermuda, Japan and Switzerland respectively.


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