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25 February 2005

CEIOPS Consultation Paper on draft answers on the first wave of calls for advice on Solvency II

The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) issued its fourth Consultation Paper dealing with the draft answers to the Commission on the First Wave of Calls for Advice in the Framework of the Solvency II Project.

CEIOPS provided the Commission with a series of advice covering all aspects of prudential supervision, laid down in the three-pillar-structure of Solvency II, paying due attention to cross-sectoral implications and group issues.

CEIOPS' answers are aimed at defining broad principles in the areas considered, as well as identifying the fundamental aspects of the future regime. The answers do not enter into details which are not yet supported by appropriate analysis and field tests and which could be revised at a later stage, in light of further in depth studies or as a consequence of the conclusions achieved in the other areas.

The final advice is expected to be sent to the European Commission before the end of June this year. Comments on the draft should be sent to CEIOPS by 25 May 2005.

Press release
Second progress report on Solvency II
Consultation paper


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