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04 May 2006

CEIOPS starts second Quantitative Impact Study

CEIOPS started the second Quantitative Impact Study on Solvency II which will analyse the effect on insurance undertakings of the possible restatement of the value of both assets and liabilities under the Solvency II framework, as well as some possible options for setting the capital requirement.

CEIOPS hopes that this exercise will give information about the practicability of the calculations involved, and on the possible impact on the balance sheets and the amount of capital that might be needed. CEIOPS is finally looking for both qualitative and quantitative information about the suitability of the possible approaches to the calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement.

Deadline for the Consultation is 31 July 2006. The results of the study have to be delivered to the Commission by October 2006.

Press Release


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