European Finance Forum
Monday, 3 November, 15.00 – 18.00 hours
(Followed by cocktails)
Venue: European Parliament, Brussels, Room A1E-3
Capital Requirements Directive
The European Commission published its proposal on 1st October. The banking community has already criticized the proposal to limit interbank exposures to 25 % of own funds. The EBF, for example, states in a first reaction that this may well affect adversely the scope and cost of banks’ credit activities in future.
The Forum will give MEPs, experts and principal stakeholders the possibility to clarify and discuss the issues outlined in the proposal and the key issues include: Colleges of supervisors, securitisation retentions, interbank exposures, large exposures, hybrid capital and national discretions. After the initial general introductions, we will try to split comments into these segments – depending on the time availability of speakers.
Sharon Bowles
Member of the European Parliament, rapporteur for the ALDE group
Pervenche Beres
Chair of ECON Committee, European Parliament, rapporteur for the PES group
Patrick Pearson
European Commission, Head of Unit – Banking and financial conglomerates
Alan Houmann
Director, European Financial Affairs, Citigroup
Robert Priester
Head of Department for Banking Supervision and Financial Markets, EBF
To guarantee a good representation from other interested parties, short interventions from Forum participants in the form of three- minute statements are particularly welcomed. Please let us know if you intend to use this opportunity so that we ensure adequate time is available.
Graham Bishop Staff:
Graham Bishop
Stefan Brill
Jacques Lafitte
Conan D'Arcy
Asst. to Sharon Bowles
Monica Monaco
Robin Jezek
City Office Brussels
Nigel Phipps
Dominique Graber
Carol Hall
Roger Grazebrook
Antoine Kremer
Peter Parker
Laura Whiskerd
Unicredit Group
Noemie Francheterre
Edward Bowles
Standard Chartered Bank
Antonio Garcia del Riego
Banco Santander
Henri Olivier
Cristina Sofia Dias
Perm. Rep Portugal
Francisco Barros Castro
Perm. Rep Portugal
Markus Metschitzer
Perm. Rep. Austria
Minerva Campion
Basque Delegation
Gerhard Lerchbaumer
Perm. Rep. Austria
Chris Verhaegen
Holger Daum
Perm. Rep. Hessen
Gerben de Noord
Standard & Poors
We would like to thank all who spoke and attended.
© Graham Bishop
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