The EP’s
ECON Committee adopted the report of Mr Klinz on the procedural rules and evaluation criteria for the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increase of shareholdings in the financial sector.
MEPs voted to extended the allowed time period for the supervisor to conduct the prudential assessment from 30 days as foreseen in the initial proposal of 30 to 47 days, with an additional ten days should there be a request for additional information.
The Committee also 'softened' the clauses referring to the Commission's right to obtain information which could be used to oppose a merger. The report also specifies ways of calculating the level of participation of future acquirers.
The report is planned to be voted in Parliament in March. It is now up to the rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs to negotiate an agreement with the Council before then. ECON chairperson Bérès reminding that the Socialist group has abstained from the final vote.
The dossier will be on the agenda of the ECOFIN Council in April.
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