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22 June 2011

European Parliament opinion poll shows public support for tax on financial transactions

Other results show a majority of respondents feeling the euro has not mitigated the effects of the crisis and urging Member States to act in a more coordinated fashion to tackle the problem.

This Eurobarometer survey on "Europeans and the crisis" is the third such survey undertaken for the European Parliament. The first one was carried out in January-February 2009, six months before the European elections, while the second was conducted in September 2010. The fieldwork for this survey was carried out by TNS opinion between 13 April and 2 May 2011 on the basis of face-to-face interviews with 26,825 European citizens. Since the previous survey, public opinion at EU level has moved only marginally, whereas there were major shifts between the first and second surveys (January - August 2010).

Here are some of the main indications of the poll:
• Europeans are strongly in favour of the principle of a tax on financial transactions at global level, or failing that at EU level initially.
• A majority of Europeans believe that overall the euro has not mitigated the effects of the crisis.
• To combat the crisis, a majority of Europeans above all want the Member States to act in a more coordinated way.
• In the debate on whether to boost the economy or reduce public spending, it is noted that the economic situation of the Member States has a direct impact on answers. In seven months, they have sometimes varied by between 10 and 38 points.

Press release  

© European Parliament

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