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30 September 2012

DW: Steinbrück attacks Merkel's euro crisis management

Chancellor Angela Merkel's election rival, Peer Steinbrück, has attacked the government's handling of the eurozone debt crisis. Steinbrück said Germany needed to give Greece more time to implement economic reforms.

Steinbrück said that Merkel must be prepared to come clean over the need for Germany to remain committed to supporting crisis-stricken Greece. "In the case of Greece, we cannot tighten the screws any further. The Greeks must stand by their commitments, but we must also give them more time", Steinbrück said.

Steinbrück remained candid over whether his opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD) would support a third bailout in the Bundestag, saying it would depend on the conditions attached. He firmly rejected, however, the prospect of a Greek eurozone exit. "The political and economic reverberations would be devastating", the former finance minister said.

Greece's commitment to fiscal reforms is currently being assessed by the so-called troika of the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.

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© Deutsche Welle

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