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08 March 2012

Mario Draghi: ECB press conference – introductory statement

Mr Draghi spoke about the outcomes of the meeting of the Governing Council and about the non-standard monetary policy measures implemented by the Eurosystem.

"These measures, including in particular two three-year longer-term refinancing operations, were decided upon against the background of exceptional circumstances in the last quarter of 2011. The first impact of these measures has been positive. Together with fiscal consolidation and stepped-up structural reforms in several euro area countries, as well as progress towards a stronger euro area economic governance framework, they have contributed to a significant improvement in the financial environment over recent months. We expect that the three-year longer-term refinancing operations will provide further support for the ongoing stabilisation in financial markets and, in particular, for lending activity in the euro area. All our non-standard monetary policy measures are temporary in nature. Furthermore, all the necessary tools to address potential upside risks to medium-term price stability are fully available.

In order to deliver a favourable environment for sustainable growth and to support confidence and competitiveness, the Governing Council stresses the urgent need for governments to make further progress towards restoring sound fiscal positions and implementing the structural reform agenda. Regarding fiscal consolidation, many governments in the euro area are making progress. Continuing with comprehensive fiscal consolidation and complying with all commitments remains essential. In this respect, the 2012 European Semester should be used to enforce rigorously the reinforced fiscal surveillance mechanism. Equally important are structural reforms to increase the adjustment capacity and competitiveness of euro area countries and to strengthen growth prospects and job creation. In this area, more progress is desirable. The Governing Council strongly welcomes the European Commission’s Alert Mechanism Report on macro-economic imbalances, and expects the proposed in-depth country reviews actively to support the reform processes under way in euro area countries."

Full speech

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