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27 November 2015

Finance on Friday - 27th November

Main issues discussed in this week's podcast were: Brexit, European Deposit Insurance, the SMEs' connection to CMU and CPMI-IOSCO Cyber Guidance for FMI.

Graham Bishop and Nick Crosby of Cambre Associates discuss several big issues of this week's EU news:

Brexit: a poll commissioned by The Independant revealed that more than half of the British public now want to leave the EU; Graham went to the House of Lords to give evidence on the subject of the Five Presidents Report and the Communication on Completing EMU, in which he said that he "fear[s] there's a risk of actual Brexit soon, or de facto Brexit by "2025 at the latest”".

European Deposit Insurance: the European Commission produced a paper proposing a euro-area wide insurance scheme for bank deposits. The EBF supported this initiative, provided that it requires no extra contributions. In line with this, Graham also commented on the outcome of the EBA's 2015 EU-wide transparency exercise. He recommended to read the Bank of England's review into the failure of HBOS Group.

SMEs' connection to CMU: FEE, ESBG and UEAPME, a trio of EU associations strongly involved with SMEs, has forged a common position towards Capital Markets Union. They warn that typical SMEs won’t get financing they need from capital markets. 

Cyber resilience for Financial Market Infrastructures: CPMI and IOSCO issued a consultative paper to seek comments into their Cyber-Guidance.


© Graham Bishop

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