This week's five minutes talk includes four main areas: Brexit, CMU (Prospectus Directive and securitisation) and IFRS.
Graham Bishop and Nick Crosby of Cambre Associates talk about four main areas:
Brexit: David Cameron hoped to agree a framework of discussions before the EU leaders meeting on 17 December, but the chances of this are steadily diminishing. (Note: Since recording this podcast, Prime Minster Cameron has formally announced that he has abandoned the idea of agreement at the December 17/18 Summit.) Commissioner Hill spoke at a FT's breakfast on the future of Europe and warned about the fact that Brexiteers have a complete, fundamental misunderstanding of the rules and are misleading about the consequences [of a Brexit] for business models.
CMU: the Council just agreed its position on securitisation. The Commission proposed to overhaul prospectus rules to improve access to finance for companies - particularly SMEs- and simplify information for investors.
International Financial Reporting Startards: Nicolas Veron made a statement on the endorsement by the EU of the IFRS 9 Standard on accounting for financial instruments, presented at a hearing of ECON Committee of the European Parliament, highlighting the global influence of Europe.
© Graham Bishop
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