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24 June 2020

Open Letter to Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders - Announcement on corporate governance legislative initiatives in 2021

We, the undersigned organisations, would like to congratulate you for the very important announcement made during several recent online events,...

 that the Commission will propose legislation in 2021 on both corporate due diligence and directors’ duties as part of your initiative on sustainable corporate governance, taking into account ongoing national-level mandatory due diligence developments. We were very pleased to see the commitment officially announced by the European Commission in the EU Biodiversity Strategy on 20th May, and also in the communication ‘Europe’s moment: Repair and prepare for the next generation’ regarding the EU recovery plans, on 27th May. We also welcome the support expressed by representatives of the German and other governments and look forward to seeing rapid progress on the issue at Council level during the upcoming German EU Council Presidency.

Full letter

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ACT Alliance EU
Act Church of Sweden
Advocating Rights In South Asia (ARISA)
Anti-Slavery International
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Caritas Europa
Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations
Clean Clothes Campaign European Coalition
Clean Clothes Campaign International Office
Corporate Europe Observatory
cum ratione
EU-CORD network
European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting
European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ)
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
Fair Action
Fair Finance International

Fair Trade Advocacy Office
Fairtrade Sweden
Forest Peoples Programme
Frank Bold
Friends of the Earth Europe
Global Witness
Gobierno Territorial Autónomo de la Nación Wampís
Human Rights International Corner (HRIC)
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
OECD Watch
Organización Regional Aidesep Ucayali (ORAU)
Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business
Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile pour le
Developpement du Tonkpi (ROSCIDET)
Themis Research
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

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