The working group, which included ICMA, developed new terms that provide for deferral of sovereign debt repayments to private creditors for a pre-agreed period and that can apply to a wide set of natural disasters and geographies...
The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has today published
new Climate Resilient Debt Clauses (CRDCs) which can defer a country’s
debt repayments in the event of a pre-defined, severe climate shock or
natural disaster. A standardised term sheet
for this has been produced by the UK-convened Private Sector Working
Group (PSWG): sub-group on Climate Resilient Debt Clauses, with legal
support from Clifford Chance. The PSWG brings together International
Financial Institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and World Bank (WB), G7 countries, borrowing countries, and the private
sector, including major US and European banks and investment firms,
legal and financial advisors specialising in sovereign debt, as well as
academic experts.
The working group, which
included ICMA, developed new terms that provide for deferral of
sovereign debt repayments to private creditors for a pre-agreed period
and that can apply to a wide set of natural disasters and geographies,
building on the previous work by the IMF, ICMA and Clifford Chance under
the Canadian G7 Presidency in 2018. As well as supporting disaster
resilience by freeing up cash flow, CRDCs could help avoid the liquidity
challenges faced by low-income countries in such circumstances becoming
costly payment defaults leading to protracted restructurings. This
timely announcement at COP27 Finance Day directly responds to developing
countries’ calls for such innovations at previous COP meetings.
Goss, ICMA’s General Counsel said: “We live in a world today where
countries are vulnerable to both growing debt levels and an increasing
risk of climatic shocks. If sovereign borrowers can avoid default at the
time of a natural catastrophe, this will benefit both affected
countries but also their creditors and the global financial system that
might otherwise be providing finance potentially simultaneously in
multiple jurisdictions.”
One objective of the
working group was to extend CRDCs beyond the Caribbean to a wider range
of geographies, including the Pacific, Africa, Central and Southeast
Asia. It also agreed that, while technically no country is excluded from
scope, CRDCs were likely to be most suitable for low-income countries,
Small Island Developing States, or other developing countries
particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The impact of
severe climate shocks or natural disasters on these countries can be
particularly severe relative to their ability to respond in the absence
of outside assistance.
Note relating to the new Climate Resilient Debt Clauses, which can
defer a country’s debt repayments in the event of a predefined, severe
climate shock or natural disasterTerm Sheet relating to the new Climate Resilient Debt ClausesAdditional information on Sovereign DebtICMA

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