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31 January 2019

This week in "Brussels"

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Articles from 24 January 2019 - 31 January 2019

Banking Union

ECB publishes supervisory banking statistics for the third quarter of 2018
Capital ratio increased slightly in the third quarter of 2018, with total capital ratio at 17.83%. NPL ratio was down to 4.17%, the lowest level since time series first published in 2015. Liquidity coverage ratio remained stable at 140.93%. 
ECB working paper: When losses turn into loans: the cost of undercapitalized banks
This paper studies how a weak banking sector affects productivity and growth in the aftermath of a financial crisis. The author‘s contribution is to establish a credible causal chain from a weak banking sector to adverse effects on productivity and growth.  
ECB: Quantitative easing did not increase inequality in the euro area
This article summarises a recent working paper that examines how the Eurosystem’s quantitative easing has affected wealth and income inequality in the eurozone. 
FCA: LIBOR transition and contractual fallbacks
Speech by Edwin Schooling Latter, Director of Markets and Wholesale Policy at the FCA, in which he addresses what the final steps in transition away from the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) might look like. 
Financial Times: Europe should be wary of the lure of bigger banks
As long as continent-wide deposit insurance remains out of reach, mergers will be risky, writes Simon Samuels. 
ECB working paper: Some borrowers are more equal than others: bank funding shocks and credit reallocation
This paper studies the reallocation of credit within the domestic credit portfolio of banks after a negative funding shock. The particular shock authors focus on is freeze of the interbank funding market around the Lehman collapse.  
ECB to launch a survey of market participants’ expectations in 2019
The key objective of the Survey of Monetary Analysts, which will launch on April 2019, is to gather regular, comprehensive, structured and systematic information on market participants’ expectations of the future evolution of key policy parameters. 
Statement by the Eurogroup President on the nominations for the post of ECB executive board member
Mário Centeno said that the call for candidates to replace European Central Bank Executive Board member Peter Praet, whose term ends on 31 May, is now closed. 

Capital Markets Union

ISDA publishes best practice recommendations for CCPs
ISDA published a set of best practices for central counterparties aimed at ensuring greater consistency in risk practices at CCPs across the globe. 
Financial Times: We must rethink our clearing house rules
Dawn Stump writes that the EU and US should drop duplicative registration requirements. 
ESMA updates plan for systematic internaliser regime calculations and publications
The updated action plan maintains the ongoing publication for equity, equity-like instruments and bonds while postponing the publication for derivatives and other non-equity instruments until at the latest 2020. 
ESMA updates Q&A on Benchmark Regulation
The purpose of this document is to promote common supervisory approaches and practices in the application of the BMR. 
ESMA updates the CSDR Q&As
The updated Q&As provide answers to questions regarding practical issues on the implementation of the new CSDR regime. 
ESMA appoints new chair of the Investment Management Standing Committee
Board of Supervisors of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has appointed Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, Chair of the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) of Portugal, to serve as chair of its Investment Management Standing Committee (IMSC). 


FCA launches consultation on General Insurance value measures data
The FCA has launched a consultation proposing new rules requiring firms to report General Insurance value measures data to the FCA for publication. Alongside the Consultation Paper, the FCA has also published a third annual value measures dataset, covering the period August 2017-August 2018. 
Insurance Europe: Insurers warn that IAIS systemic risk proposals lack clarity
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ proposal for a new “holistic framework” for identifying and managing systemic risk in the insurance sector currently lacks sufficient clarity, according to Insurance Europe. 
EIOPA calls for improvements to the assessment of the propriety of board members and qualifying shareholders of insurance companies
The EIOPA published the findings of its peer review examining how national competent authorities (NCAs) assess the propriety of administrative, management or supervisory body (AMSB) members and qualifying shareholders. 
EIOPA elects Patrick Montagner as new member of its Management Board
The Board of Supervisors of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) elected, effective immediately, Patrick Montagner as a new member of EIOPA's Management Board.  

Asset Management

FRC strengthens Stewardship Code
The FRC is consulting on a new Stewardship Code that sets substantially higher expectations for investor stewardship policy and practice. The Code will focus on how effective stewardship delivers sustainable value for beneficiaries, the economy and society. 
FCA proposes new measures to encourage effective stewardship
The FCA is proposing new measures and gathering views on how to encourage effective stewardship in the interests of investors. Most UK consumers hold investments, for example through their pensions, which are looked after by asset managers. Asset managers have a duty to oversee these investments in their clients’ interests. 
FCA proposes rules on investment pathways and other measures to improve retirement outcomes for consumers
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is today consulting on measures to stop up to 100,000 consumers a year losing out on pension income when they access the pension freedoms. 
PLSA welcomes Financial Reporting Council’s Stewardship Code consultation
The FRC is consulting on a new Stewardship Code that sets substantially higher expectations for investor stewardship policy and practice. The Code will focus on how effective stewardship delivers sustainable value for beneficiaries, the economy and society. 
Investment & Pensions Europe: IORP II: How the EU directive has reshaped the pensions industry
IORP II, the European Union’s sweeping reform of pension fund legislation, came into force on 13 January. It added 43 new articles to the original IORP directive and put a renewed focus on governance and communication standards. 
ALFI: Growth under pressure in a volatile environment
ALFI presented the figures of 2018 as well as the opportunities and challenges for the asset management industry in 2019. 
IA launches first industry-wide consultation on sustainability & responsible investment
The consultation seeks the views of asset managers on key aspects around sustainability and responsible investment, with the aim of bringing greater clarity to help savers and investors navigate and better access this growing feature of the investment management industry. 

Corporate Governance/Accounting

FRC proposes amendments to FRS 101 and FRS 102
The FRC issued FRED 70 Draft amendments to FRS 101 – 2018/19 cycle and FRED 71 Draft amendments to FRS 102 – Multi-employer defined benefit plans. 
EFRAG: Draft Comment Letter on the onerous contracts - cost of fulfilling a contract
EFRAG has published its draft comment letter in response to the IASB's ED 2018/2 Onerous Contracts - Cost of Fulfilling a Contract - Proposed amendments to IAS 37 and seeks constituents' views on the proposals. 
ECA: EFSI’s effectiveness must be better substantiated
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) has been effective in raising finance for investments in the EU, but the amounts of investment mobilised may be overstated, according to a new report by the ECA.  
ECGI: Legal personhood and liability for flawed corporate cultures
Although the phrase, ‘corporate culture’, has been described by commentators as ‘inherently slippery’, it is now a central feature of a range international discussions about corporate governance and risk management. 
ACCA and IFAC launch global public financial management (PFM) series
At a time when public sector spending, government accountability and financial sustainability are in the spotlight, ACCA and IFAC are launching a global series that will identify, document and share success stories in public financial management. 
Better protection of whistleblowers: Council adopts its position
The new rules will impose the creation of safe channels for reporting both within an organisation and to public authorities. It will also give a high level of protection against retaliation, and require national authorities to adequately inform on how to deal with whistleblowing. 
The Economist: Efforts to fix the market in auditing rumble on
Regulators in both Britain and Europe want to make audits less cosy. 

Financial Services Policy

IFAC: New education standard focuses on professional development
The IAESB released the revised IES 7, Continuing Professional Development. The standard clarifies the principles and requirements on how professional accountancy organizations measure, monitor, and enforce their continuing professional development systems.  

Grahams Articles, Comments & Speeches

May’s Deal = “Vassal State” OR “Deferred Crash Out” - Only a Government of National Unity (GNU) can solve this now
A Government of National Unity (GNU), argues Graham Bishop, must ask EU27 for a timetable extension to work thoroughly through the options. Then Parliament decides OR puts it back to the people. 

Brexit & UK

BBC: Brexit: MPs back May's bid to change deal
MPs have backed seeking "alternative arrangements" to replace the Irish backstop in Theresa May's Brexit plan.  
The Independent: Brussels says UK should keep paying into EU budget after no-deal
Britain would keep paying into the EU budget for years after a no-deal Brexit under contingency plans drawn up by the European Commission. 
POLITICO: European Parliament would veto Brexit deal without backstop, say MEPs
Senior EU legislators say they would not consent to a deal that does not contain an insurance against a hard border in Northern Ireland. 
The Independent: EU would rather no-deal Brexit than abandon Irish backstop, Theresa May told
Theresa May has been warned the EU will settle for a no-deal Brexit rather than abandon the Irish backstop, as Brussels ramped up its refusal to reopen talks. 
The Guardian: Juncker warns May: permanent customs union is price for revisiting backstop
Jean-Claude Juncker has told Theresa May in a private phone call that shifting her red lines in favour of a permanent customs union is the price she will need to pay for the EU revising the Irish backstop. 
Financial Times: Ireland central bank warns of ‘immense’ threat of no-deal Brexit
Ireland’s central bank has warned of “immense” economic threats from a no-deal Brexit, saying the “worst-case” scenario for Dublin was a disorderly UK departure from the EU.  
The Guardian: Northern Ireland business leaders press MPs to back Brexit deal
Leaders from Northern Ireland’s business, farming and community groups have launched a last-ditch campaign to try to persuade opponents of Theresa May’s Brexit deal and the Irish border backstop to reconsider. 
The Sun: Theresa May ‘privately told Cabinet ministers she will rule out No Deal’
The Sun has learnt that the Prime Minister will not let Britain leave the EU without a deal, but she is not ready to rule out no deal in public because it would affect key negotiations with Brussels. 
The Guardian: Risk of no-deal Brexit ‘very high’, says key EU negotiator
The risk of accidentally crashing out of the EU without a deal has been described as “very high” by a key EU architect of the Brexit deal, with parliamentary backing for changes to the backstop likely to be met with a brick wall in Brussels. 
Bloomberg: Postponing Brexit would be worse for UK economy Than May’s deal
While extending the negotiating period set to expire on March 29 would remove the imminent possibility of a chaotic no-deal scenario, it would leave the UK worse off than if Parliament accepted Prime Minister Theresa May’s current plan, according to economists. 
Euronews: No deal may be better than extending Brexit negotiations: Lithuanian president
A No Deal Brexit could be better than extending the "chaos" of negotiations over the UK's departure from the European Union, Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė has told Euronews. 
Bloomberg: No-deal Brexit risk recedes as calls grow to delay divorce
The risk of a no-deal Brexit appears to be receding after calls for a delay to the UK’s exit from the European Union won powerful backing in London and other EU capitals. The pound rose. 
The Guardian: No-deal Brexit will disrupt UK economy, says Philip Hammond
Philip Hammond has warned of significant disruption to the UK economy if Britain leaves the EU without a deal in March, but has said a no-deal Brexit was “a default that we could find ourselves in”. 
The Guardian: No-deal Brexit: UK firms 'praying' for article 50 extension, says KPMG
British firms are “praying for an extension to article 50” rather than face a no-deal Brexit as it emerged that foreign investment has fallen steeply and the outlook for growth has slumped to a six-year low. 
The Guardian: Global slowdown threatens to worsen impact of no-deal Brexit
Britain is preparing for Brexit in little over two months against a backdrop of faltering domestic growth and a global economic slowdown, which threatens to compound the consequences of a no-deal exit, according to Guardian analysis of economic news over the past month. 
CBI sets out business impact of a 'no deal' Brexit in every region and nation across the UK
CBI analysis of government figures underlines importance of ‘no deal’ being taken off the table to prevent economic fallout and protect jobs and living standards.  
Bloomberg: It’s a cruel world for UK companies weighing no-deal Brexit
Britain needs to replicate more than 30 trade deals with countries around the world and time is running out. 
UK Government publishes list of Brexit-related treaties
The Rt Hon. Stephen Barclay MP, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, wrote to the Lords EU Committee providing an update on Government’s plans to lay Brexit-related international agreements before Parliament. 
The Guardian: Ireland dismisses suggestion it should quit EU and join UK
Ireland has dismissed the suggestion that the best solution to the Brexit impasse might be for the country to quit the EU and join the UK. 
POLITICO: Le Maire: Up to Britain to find a way through Brexit impasse
It is "clearly on the shoulders of the British government" to secure a stable Brexit deal, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said, insisting that the EU has "nothing more to give" on the Withdrawal Agreement. 
The Independent: No-deal Brexit would ruin UK's chances of getting any free trade deals, Irish PM Varadkar warns
Leo Varadkar says UK 'won't have any trade deals with anyone', citing WTO rules and Good Friday commitments. 
The Guardian: UK cannot simply trade on WTO terms after no-deal Brexit, say experts
The UK will be unable to have frictionless, tariff-free trade under World Trade Organization rules for up to seven years in the event of a no-deal Brexit, according to two leading European Union law specialists. 
CER: The cost of Brexit to September 2018
The UK economy is 2.3 per cent smaller than it would be if Britain had voted to remain in the European Union. The knock-on hit to the public finances is £17 billion per annum – or £320 million a week.  
YouGov: Consumer confidence at five-year low as Brexit concerns persist
Consumer confidence dropped 0.1 points to 104.3 in January as Brexit uncertainty continued into the New Year. It is now sitting at a low not seen since May 2013, according to the latest analysis from YouGov and the Centre for Economics and Business Research. 
The Guardian: UK firms plan mass exodus if May allows no-deal Brexit
Thousands of British companies have already triggered emergency plans to cope with a no-deal Brexit, with many gearing up to move operations abroad if the UK crashes out of the EU, according to the British Chambers of Commerce. 
Bloomberg: Money is flooding out of London while the UK bickers over Brexit
The UK parliament can’t agree on how to leave the European Union, but many finance firms have already decided how much money to move out of the City of London - a shift that’s seen by some as irreversible. 
Bloomberg: UBS will keep equity trading in London after Brexit
UBS Group AG’s equity trading venue is staying in London after Brexit, despite rivals accelerating plans to shift trading to elsewhere in Europe. 
Bloomberg: Bank of America to begin Brexit job moves next month
Bank of America Corp. will start moving about 400 staff, mostly from London, to its Paris office in the next few weeks as the bank prepares for Brexit, according to a person familiar with the matter. 
Bloomberg: Citigroup’s Brexit warning for London
Behind the Davos platitudes, Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat makes a veiled threat about Brexit’s impact on London’s position as a financial center. 
Bloomberg: Banks boost protections for sterling loans in Brexit shadow
The intensification of Brexit woes hasn’t entirely deterred banks from drawing up sterling deals in Europe’s leveraged loan market, but arrangers are cushioning themselves with additional protection. 
Financial Times: UK financial watchdogs seek to shore up post-Brexit EU accords
The UK’s two financial regulators are negotiating agreements with European authorities so that they can continue to share information in the event of a no-deal Brexit. 
ICAEW: Brexit and IFRS 9 Financial instruments – expected credit losses
Although IFRS 9 is already applicable, there is still a lot of uncertainty with regards to the UK leaving the EU on 29 March 2019. The ICAEW´s guide outlines some considerations to help banks and others, including auditors and internal auditors, approach these challenges before Brexit. 
Commercial Risk Europe: UK and Switzerland sign post-Brexit insurance pact
An agreement between the UK and Switzerland signed at the World Economic Forum (WEF) will allow buyers in both countries to access insurance cover from providers in each other’s jurisdictions after Brexit. 
Sky News: Queen calls for 'coming together to seek out common ground' as MPs battle over Brexit
The Queen has extolled the virtues of "respecting different points of view" and "coming together to seek out the common ground", amid bitter divisions among MPs over Brexit. 
The Guardian: 'Meaner and angrier': Brexit exposes growing fractures in UK society
Britons have become angrier since the referendum to leave the EU, according to a survey which suggests there is widespread unhappiness about the direction in which the country is heading. 
Financial Times: Jeremy Corbyn’s popularity hurt by Brexit stance, poll finds
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s reputation with voters has taken a severe knock since the Brexit referendum, according to polling by research agency BritainThinks.  
The Guardian: Jeremy Corbyn ally dents Labour hopes of push for second referendum
A senior ally of Jeremy Corbyn has said holding a second EU referendum could badly affect the relationship between politicians and the public, as a series of Labour backbenchers tabled new amendments seeking such an option. 
BBC: Brexit: David Miliband puts case for new referendum
Ex-Foreign Secretary David Miliband has called for a fresh Brexit referendum, saying it should not only be an option "when everything else has failed". 
POLITICO: Guy Verhofstadt: UK cross-party effort could stop Brexit
Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament's "Mr. Brexit," is holding out hope that a cross-party group of British lawmakers will stop Britain crashing out of the EU without a deal and potentially help trigger a second referendum. 
Bloomberg: UK could avoid $1.5 billion EU tax bill on no-deal Brexit
A no-deal Brexit could create yet another headache for the European Union as it prepares to hand dozens of UK-based companies a tax bill that is expected to top $1.5 billion. 
New Europe: Commission refers UK to Europe’s court of justice over tax breaks for commodities traders
In response to the City of London creating VAT loophole, the European Commission has opted to take the case to the European Court of Justice which could escalate into a battle that, according to the UK, could harm the City of London’s competitiveness once the UK is out of the EU. 
The Guardian: Brexit stockpiling by UK retailers and wholesalers reaching 2008 levels, says CBI
Britain’s biggest retailers and wholesalers have raised their stockpiling efforts to the highest levels since the 2008 financial crisis, according to a key industry report, with little more than 60 days to go before Brexit. 
POLITICO: Marine Le Pen backs Britain’s membership in ‘reformed’ EU
France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen said that she would support the UK re-entering a reformed version of the European Union. 
The Guardian: French firms with UK ties told to look for alternatives as Brexit looms
French businesses working with British contractors or suppliers should now be actively seeking out alternatives, the French government has said, as it further ramped up preparations for a no-deal Brexit that it sees as increasingly likely. 
Bloomberg: Yellow vest fears steer Macron against no-deal Brexit
French diplomats are privately warning of the damage a no-deal Brexit would do to the country’s rural economy, as the impact of protests against President Emmanuel Macron starts shaping the European Union’s strategy ahead of bloc-wide elections. 
ICAEW: Irish third county draft registration application
Auditors of UK companies (ie companies incorporated in the UK) with listings on the Irish Stock Exchange, (such as listed debt), will be required to register with IAASA as third country auditors from 30 March 2019; when the UK leaves the EU. 

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© Graham Bishop

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