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27 February 2009

Single market news 53

The newsletter includes articles on a range of policy areas including the De Larosière group report on EU financial supervision and the review of Investor Compensation Scheme Directive.

The newsletter includes articles on a range of policy areas including the De Larosière group report on EU financial supervision, review of Investor Compensation Scheme Directive, and the Commission initiative to propose a major burden reduction for the EU's smallest companies.


“The Commission has continued its targeted response to the financial crisis in 2009, with a new Community programme to support specific activities in the field of financial services, financial reporting and auditing, from which key European and international bodies will benefit”, Jörgen Holmquist, Director General for Internal Market and Services said inaugurating the report.


“In the next Single Market News we will look at the Commission’s new vision for improving EU financial supervision in light of the crisis, which will feed into the European Council in March and the London G-20 summit in April.”


Single market news 53


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