How European policymakers solve the policy mix trilemma of asymmetric fiscal rules, no central fiscal capacity and constrained monetary policy in the post-pandemic economy will define the resilience of the euro area in the face of future shocks and the transition to a more sustainable growth model.
In a new CEPR Policy Insight, the authors argue that moving to a structured vertical coordination between national and EU budgets would help ensure an adequate fiscal stance and avoid the overburdening of the single monetary policy.
During the past 13 years, the EU has undergone two major
‘existential’ crises: the Great Recession that reached the peak after
the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and culminated with
the sovereign debt crisis of 2011-2012 (Reinhart and Felton 2008a,
2008b, Baldwin and Giavazzi 2015), and the COVID-19 crisis which erupted
in spring 2020 (Baldwin and Weder di Mauro 2020a, 2020b). It is now
largely acknowledged that the responses of the EU and its member states
were radically different between the two crises. During the Great
Recession, after an initial monetary and fiscal expansion, the focus
quickly turned to government debt sustainability and fiscal prudence to
reassure the markets, so that the onus of sustaining the economy fell
mainly on the shoulders of the ECB. Instead, during the pandemic a much
more forceful monetary and fiscal response was enacted. The ECB adopted
the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) and strengthened its
utilisation of other monetary tools, and national fiscal authorities
implemented sizeable fiscal expansions on the back of the suspension of
the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)’s adjustment requirements via the
General Escape Clause (GEC) and the temporary state aid framework. Most
importantly, the Union agreed on a programme of direct support via the
EU multiannual balance, Next Generation EU (NGEU), with at its core the
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
It is important to stress that, in the pandemic crisis, the
combination of national and EU budgets coupled with the rapid and
determined ECB measures have led to a more expansionary policy stance
compared to previous crisis episodes. Moreover, for the first time, the
EU rule-based framework has been complemented by direct policy support
at the central level. In CEPR Policy Insight 113,
we argue that this forceful policy response and, in particular, the
move to a more structured ‘vertical’ coordination between national and
EU fiscal policies has led to a more balanced policy mix and has, thus,
allowed the rapid absorption of the euro area’s dramatic recession and
favoured a strong bouncing back of its economy in the current year (Buti
and Messori 2021b).
The different policy stance between the two crises can be explained
by the different nature of the shocks and the learning from the past
failures (Buti 2020, Buti and Papacostantinou 2021). However, these
changes in the policy stance also raise fundamental issues.
Conceptually, in any currency area, policymakers need to supply an
‘adequate’ amount of cyclical stabilisation, either via the common
monetary policy, via fiscal policy at central or decentralised level,
or, most likely, via a combination of these different policies. Within
the Maastricht framework, policy authorities face what can be dubbed the
euro area’s “policy-mix trilemma”: one cannot have, at the same time,
(a) asymmetric fiscal rules of the Maastricht type, (b) monetary policy
constrained by the effective lower bound (ELB), and (c) no-central
fiscal capacity.
The Maastricht Treaty and, a fortiori, the SGP are
fundamentally asymmetric in their call to avoid excessive government
deficits without any constraint on the corresponding balance surpluses.
These rules ‘proscribe’ excessive government deficit even if this
entails a pro-cyclical fiscal behaviour, but do not have any
‘prescribing’ power over policies by countries with fiscal space. This
asymmetry reflects the ‘Brussels-Frankfurt consensus’ prevailing at the
time of the negotiations of Maastricht Treaty and of the SGP. The focus
was on the risk of a deficit bias aggravated by the common pool problem
(Buti and Sapir 1998, Buti and Gaspar 2021).
The Commission and the EU Council could credibly enforce the
Excessive Deficit Procedure in the absence of a central fiscal capacity
only if monetary policy had an unconstrained space to respond to shocks.
This is not the case in the euro area, because the monetary policy is
limited by the ELB on interest rates. Hence, the fiscal stabilisation
should be necessarily supplied either by the violation of the Maastricht
fiscal requirements or by the setting up of a central fiscal response. A
related implication is that the proscribing (as opposed to prescribing)
nature of Maastricht fiscal rules makes it exceedingly difficult to
achieve the right fiscal stance for the EU solely via ‘horizontal’
coordination of national fiscal policies. The experiences of the last
decade before the pandemic shock has shown that either the EU fiscal
stance was not adequate, or the achievement of a satisfactory fiscal
stance took place, most of the times, via a wrong distribution of
national fiscal positions – i.e. too restrictive in countries with
fiscal space and too relaxed in countries with high government deficits
and debts.
Figure 1 summarises how the policy mix trilemma has been tackled so far. After a period of weak monetary dominance
during the euro area’s first decade (1999-2007) and a short episode of
coordinated expansion at the outset of the global financial crisis, sui generis fiscal dominance
prevailed during and after the sovereign debt crisis (2011-2019). In
that period, monetary policy progressively became ‘the only game in
town’ (El-Erian 2016). During the pandemic instead, the trilemma was
resolved at the two corners characterised, respectively, by the ECB’s
attainment of the ELB and by the implementation of a central fiscal
capacity. The latter was complemented by the suspension of the SGP
adjustment requirements via the triggering of the GEC. The combination
between these initiatives, the strengthening of unconventional monetary
policies (most notably the PEPP), and the action at EU level which
showed strong solidarity among member states (SURE, NGEU), favoured the
adoption of expansionary fiscal policies even in euro area countries
without fiscal space (Messori 2021).
This exceptional policy response has entailed a more congruent policy
mix. However, given the one-off nature of NGEU and the large
accumulation of government bonds in the ECB’s balance sheet, even this
solution of the trilemma is temporary and does not ensure stable
equilibria going forward. Going forward, supplementing national fiscal
policies with a permanent central fiscal capacity would allow to attain
an adequate fiscal stance and a more balanced policy mix that would
overcome the risk of fiscal dominance. In this new policy mix with
vertical fiscal coordination, the unconventional monetary policy would
not be constrained to support the sustainability of national fiscal
policies and, thus, it would not fall again into a distortionary fiscal
dominance condition. This would ease the gradual winding down of the
government bonds accumulated in ECB’s balance sheet, when required by
monetary policy considerations. As a result, the ECB will be able to
escape the ELB as well as a distortionary and unsustainable composition
of its assets.
Figure 1 How the policy mix trilemma has been solved so far
Source: own elaboration.
The EU’s vertical fiscal coordination in practice
We have argued above that a ‘vertical’ fiscal policy coordination
between the national and the EU level will appear the appropriate way
forward, if one does not want to continue relying on the monetary arm,
with the high risk of pushing the ECB beyond its mandate. This
coordination requires building a central fiscal capacity within a
coherent ‘European budgetary system’. The EU’s current governance is
far from this solution. In response to the dramatic economic fallout of
the pandemic, vertical coordination has taken the form of setting up
NGEU, with the RRF at its core. Many observers, including the German
Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, hailed the building of NGEU as Europe’s
Hamiltonian moment. This led to calls for making the new central fiscal
capacity a permanent feature of the EU’s post-pandemic fiscal
architecture. However, NGEU and its main programmes were explicitly
conceived as a ‘large one-off, whereas an effective central fiscal
capacity requires a permanent and stable institutional design.
The Commission has called in the past for setting up a central fiscal
capacity (European Commission 2017). What form could such capacity
take? There are, in principle, three non-mutually exclusive options:
a) creating a central stabilisation function
b) increasing the supply of EU public goods and
c) setting up conditional transfers from the EU budget.
The pros and cons of these three options are assessed in Table 1.
The first option – that is, creating a central stabilisation capacity
– would be the most rational one for the completion of the EU economic
governance, but probably also the most contentious politically. In 2018,
the Commission proposed an embryo of a stabilisation capacity based on
loans, the European Investment Stabilisation Function (EISF) (European
Commission 2018), which fell on deaf ears. The most cumbersome issue of
this option could be the ‘moral hazard’ risks characterising the
implicit contract under imperfect information between the European
fiscal supervisors and national governments. If the national governments
anticipated the support by a central fiscal instrument in case of
negative shocks or of negative cyclical phases, they would have a weaker
incentive to create national fiscal room for manoeuvre in periods of
strong growth. This is what allegedly occurred during the euro area’s
‘good times’. ...
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