The rule would implement certain of the less-complex approaches for calculating risk-based capital requirements that are included in the international Basel II capital accord.
The Federal Reserve Board proposed a rule that would implement certain of the less-complex approaches for calculating risk-based capital requirements that are included in the international Basel II capital accord. The proposal would be available for banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations not subject to the advanced approaches of Basel II.
The standardized framework also seeks to more closely align regulatory capital requirements with institutions' risk and should further encourage improvements in their risk-management practices.
The advanced approaches rule took effect on 1st April and is mandatory only for large, internationally active banking organizations, banking organizations are required to develop rigorous risk-measurement and risk-management techniques as part of a new risk-sensitive capital framework.
The proposed standardized framework addresses a number of areas including:
- Expanding the number of risk-weight categories to which credit exposures may be assigned.
- Using loan-to-value ratios to risk weight most residential mortgages to enhance the risk sensitivity of the capital requirement.
- Providing a capital charge for operational risk using the Basic Indicator Approach under the international Basel II capital accord.
- Emphasizing the importance of a bank’s assessment of its overall risk profile and capital adequacy.
- Providing for comprehensive disclosure requirements to complement the minimum capital requirements and supervisory process through market discipline.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has voted to issue the interagency notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) on the Basel II standardized framework for public comment. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) also are considering the NPR.
Comments will be accepted for 90 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.
Press release
Consultation paper (published 2 July)
Statement Bernanke
Statement Kroszner
Draft Federal Register notice
Board meeting materials
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