Overview of economic situation, RRF, RRF financing, own resources and tax
First of all, I would like to thank the National Assembly of Slovenia
for organising this Inter-parliamentary Conference, and for inviting
me. I want to thank President Igor Zorčič for the introduction and my
colleague, Finance Minister Andrej Šircelj for the excellent
cooperation. It is an honour to join you this morning in this important
The topics on today’s agenda are highly relevant for our citizens,
who expect us to pursue sound national policies. Policies that generate
higher, sustainable and inclusive growth to secure jobs and income for
everyone. We have to deliver on this. And experience shows that we are
more successful when we work on it together.
I will take the liberty of addressing the topics on the agenda in
reverse order, starting with the second one, as it is most related to
the work of the Eurogroup.
Economic situation - scene setting
Our discussion today comes at the right time. The health situation is
improving, our economies are reopening, and growth prospects have
This is the picture emerging from the latest economic data and from recent economic forecasts.
This positive outlook is a testament to the resilience of our
economies, but also to the success of our efforts in fighting the
pandemic. The monetary policy decisions by the European Central Bank
combined with the extraordinary supports that member states,
individually and collectively, have deployed are paying off and feeding
into the growth prospects of the euro area as a whole.
At the beginning of this crisis and in record time, we put in place a
series of safety nets. The SURE programme, Next Generation EU, the
continued work of our Central Bank and our efforts to coordinate our
work within the euro area not only caught us when we were on the verge
of falling but are now playing an important role in the economic
However, there is no room for complacency. For example, we are
cognisant of the current rise in energy prices as well as broader supply
chain issues and the impact that these are having on both inflation and
We must be alert to these risks in pursuing policies that will
deliver a solid and lasting economic recovery as opposed to a temporary
This is not something that will happen automatically. The recovery
will require continued hard work, and decisive and ambitious action at
both national and EU level.
We need to get this right.
Already before the pandemic, convergence across the Economic and
Monetary Union was uneven - some countries were doing better than
others. This trend might continue, as member states met the pandemic
with different degrees of fiscal space and different growth dynamics. In
addition, the pandemic had a disproportionate impact on different
sectors and, inevitably, economies.
Recovery and Resilience Facility
The historic agreement on the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF),
the heart of the NextGenerationEU (NGEU), was a recognition of this
risk. It is a strong signal of our determination to let no one fall
behind and instead to emerge stronger together.
The unprecedented solidarity shown by the RRF requires us to use its
funds responsibly and efficiently. They need to be channelled to
future-oriented investment with a high growth dividend.
It goes without saying that the transition towards green and digital is a priority.
In addition, to maximize the diffusion of investment and hence the
return on investment, we need to support it by ambitious
growth-enhancing reforms.
This includes making product and labour markets more efficient,
introducing the necessary reforms in our administrations, which in turn
will improve the business environment, spur innovation and ultimately
create growth and jobs.
Well-functioning domestic institutions in particular play a key role in ensuring an effective use of the RRF funds.
I am encouraged that most member states have submitted their
high-quality recovery and resilience plans, of which many were already
endorsed by the Council – thus paving the way for the first
disbursements of RRF funds.
Now, it is important that we, as member states, deliver on their effective implementation.
In this respect, the first review moment in April will be key.
I am confident that the Commission will provide thorough and fair
assessments, as it did with the RRPs. I am also confident that the
member states will take the peer review process very seriously.
The RRF governance presents a unique opportunity for improving our model of economic policy coordination.
My colleagues and I at the Eurogroup will be contributing to ensuring
effective implementation of the RRPs primarily through our discussions
on the euro area economic policy recommendations. We will be looking
closely at how member states implement the commitments made in their
national recovery and resilience plans. We all have a shared interest in
making the RRF a success.
RRF financing
A successful RRF requires not only on an effective use of its funds,
but also a sound and credible financing structure. I very much welcome
the fact that the Commission has already raised over 50 billion euro of
NGEU funds, and that it has attracted great interest among international
investors. The Commission also announced that it intends to issue its
first green bonds in October. This will set the EU on course to become
the largest issuer of green bonds in the world.
This is very important from the perspective of strengthening the
international role of the euro, and thereby enhancing Europe's strategic
Own resources
I will not elaborate much on the issue of own resources - this is
outside the remit of the Eurogroup - but I will nevertheless say a few
words on it, since, as a national minister of finance, I am involved in
this debate.
I believe that we are making good progress on a range of related issues.
First of all, let me recall the successful ratification by all
national parliaments of the Own Resources Decision back in June. This
ratification was an essential element of the Next Generation EU scheme
as it allowed the Commission to borrow funds on the markets on behalf of
the European Union, using the EU budget as a guarantee. This, in
itself, was a historic decision and achievement.
In parallel, we are considering different options for additional
sources of EU funding addition. We have notably agreed on a new plastics
own resource. As of 1 January 2021, each member state pays a
contribution to the EU budget, based on the amount of their non-recycled
plastic packaging waste.
Furthermore, the Council is already working on the proposals that are
part of the "Fit-for-55 package". They include the Carbon Border
Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the revision of the Emissions Trading
System (ETS).
Once the new package of Own Resources is proposed by the Commission,
the Council will start working on the various proposals, in line with
the Roadmap for the introduction of New Own Resources, as agreed with
the European Parliament and the Commission.
In considering new own resources, national parliaments will have an essential role to play.
Tax policy
This discussion is inevitably related to the future EU tax policy.
There is a political agreement among the member states that the
future Carbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and digital levy would
become sources of revenue for the EU. We are of course dependent on the
global developments, and have to consider the international dimension.
Negotiations on CBAM have already begun in the Council. As mentioned
earlier, this measure is part of the overall debate on designing a wider
framework to tackle climate change.
As regards corporate taxation, I am confident that the ongoing global negotiations will enable us to make further progress.
The global agreement will also pave the way for further discussions
in the EU as set out in the Commission’s May 2021 Communication on
Business Taxation for the 21st Century.
This brings me to the conclusions of my remarks.
The Covid-19 crisis has been an extremely challenging period in the
European Union's history. Its social and economic costs are undeniably
profound. So far, we, as a union, have managed to find swift and
effective solutions to mitigate its immediate impact. I am therefore
confident that we, as a union, will be able to continue the good work
that we already started in rebuilding our economy and in finding the
solutions that work for all.
It is therefore essential that we maintain initiatives like this
Conference, which brings together elected representatives of our
citizens and policymakers from across Europe to discuss and find those
Council of EU
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