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02 June 2014


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EIOPA has published a consultation papers on the guidelines on Solvency II; and a separate consultation paper covering the analysis of the expected impact from the proposed policy.

This Consultation Paper is being issued on the following Solvency II topics related to Pillar 1 requirements:

  • Technical provisions, including contract boundaries and the valuation of technical provisions;
  • Own funds, including ancillary own funds, classification of own funds, ring-fenced funds, and related undertakings;
  • Solvency capital requirements including catastrophe risk, life underwriting risk, market risk, basis risk, the look-through approach, undertaking-specific parameters, the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes and group solvency calculation.

This Consultation Paper presents the draft Guidelines, technical annexes, explanatory texts and appendices where relevant.

The analysis of the expected impact from the proposed policy is covered in the separate Consultation Paper on Impact Assessment which is available on EIOPA’s website (CP-14/039).

EIOPA will consider the feedback received and expects to publish a final report on the consultation. The final Guidelines are subject to adoption by the Board of Supervisors of EIOPA. The coments should be send by 29 August 2014.

Cover note

Consultation Paper on the proposal for Guidelines on Solvency II relating to Pillar 1

Consultation Paper on the proposal for Guidelines on the Use of Internal Models

Consultation Paper on the proposal for Guidelines on system of governance and own risks and solvency assessment

Consultation Paper on the proposal for Guidelines on Supervisory Review Process

Consultation Paper on the proposal for Guidelines on the methodology for Equivalence Assessment of National Supervisory Authorities under Solvency II

Consultation Paper on the Impact Assessment of EIOPA Solvency II Guidelines


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