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08 October 2010

CEBS published draft guidelines on remuneration

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CEBS empfiehlt, dass ein Anteil von mindestens 50 Prozent aller variablen Vergütung in Form von Anteilsansprüchen bestehen solle. Institutionen sollten zudem das gleiche Verhältnis zwischen Instrumenten und reinen Geldzahlungen für ihre gesamte variable Vergütung vorsehen.

The guidelines also provide for a clawback mechanism so that remuneration may be reclaimed for several reasons, including changes to the institution's economic or regulatory capital base.
Firms must implement a minimum retention period and be able to explain how this minimum retention period relates to other risk alignment measures. The guidelines will also apply on an institution-wide basis and institutions must identify staff members to whom the specific requirements will apply.
The deadline for comment is November 8, 2010.

© CEBS - Committee of European Banking Supervisors

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