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This brief was prepared by and is available in category
Occasional Commentators
10 January 2011

Malcolm Levitt: Getting Brussels Right - ‘Best Practice’ for City firms in handling EU institutions

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Der Bericht ist das Produkt von 68 Interviews mit wichtigen Akteuren in Brüssel und London und spiegelt die Sorge wieder, dass zu viele britische Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen den Umgang mit Europa und der Bürokratie in Brüssel nicht ausreichend kennen und verstehen.

The City faces unprecedented regulatory and supervisory challenges from EU initiatives. Many firms need to raise their game by emulating the best - which includes firms in other, non-City sectors.

This study looks at how City firms engage with the EU and at their effectiveness. It is based on 68 interviews conducted on the basis of anonymity. It has come about as a result of the author's deep concern at how well the  City is responding to the challenges of a more difficult political environment in Europe.
Like it or not, the City is a strategically important element of the British economy, and we cannot afford to get it wrong.

Documents associated with this article

Best Practice_8_WEB (2)[1].pdf

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