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10 November 2010

Think Tank 20: Globale Perspektiven auf den G20-Gipfel in Seoul

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This publication highlights a collection of people active in think tanks and universities in G20 countries actively working on G20 related issues, together with their short think pieces at the occasion of the Seoul 2010 summit.

On November 11-12, G20 leaders meet in Seoul with Korea as the host — the first time that an emerging or newly industrialized country chairs the meeting. Opinion on what the G20 has achieved since it started to meet at leaders’ level two years ago is divided.

The G20 summits have given rise to an elaborate process of preparation and interaction between policymakers and key civil servants that now involves officials from the large emerging market economies. This publication highlights a collection of people active in think tanks and universities in G20 countries, and/or actively working on G20 related issues, and their short think pieces at the occasion of the Seoul 2010 summit.

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