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18 October 2011


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The Basel Committee's first Progress Report on Basel III implementation provides a high-level view of its members' progress in adopting Basel II, Basel 2.5 and Basel III, as of end September 2011.

It focuses on the status of domestic rule-making processes to ensure that the Committee's capital standards are transformed into national law or regulation according to the internationally agreed timeframes. The Committee believes that disclosure will provide additional incentive for members to comply fully with the international agreements.

This report is one element of the Committee's comprehensive framework to monitor and review its members' implementation of the Basel regulatory capital framework, which was announced on 28 September 2011. A subsequent element of the Committee's framework will be to review the consistency of members' national rules or regulations with the international minimum standard, to identify differences that could raise prudential or level playing field concerns. The framework will also review the measurement of risk-weighted assets in both the banking book and the trading book to ensure consistency in practice across banks and jurisdictions. The Committee's preparations are well advanced so that these reviews can commence by the beginning of 2012.

Full report

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