While the Basel III framework sets out transitional arrangements to implement the new standards, the monitoring exercise results assume full implementation of the final Basel III package based on data as of 30 June 2011 (i.e. they do not take account of the transitional arrangements such as the phase in of deductions). No assumptions were made about bank profitability or behavioural responses, such as changes in bank capital or balance sheet composition. For that reason, the results of the study are not comparable to industry estimates.
Based on data as of 30 June 2011, and applying the changes to the definition of capital and risk-weighted assets, the average common equity Tier 1 capital ratio (CET1) of Group 1 banks was 7.1 per cent, as compared with the Basel III minimum requirement of 4.5 per cent. For Group 2 banks, the average CET1 ratio stood at 8.3 per cent.
The Committee also assessed the estimated impact of the liquidity standards. Assuming banks were to make no changes to their liquidity risk profile or funding structure, as of June 2011 the weighted average Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) for Group 1 banks would have been 90 per cent, while the weighted average LCR for Group 2 banks was 83 per cent.
Banks have until 2015 to meet the LCR standard and until 2018 to meet the NSFR standard, which will reflect any revisions following each standard's observation period. As noted in a January 2012 press statement issued by the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision, the Basel Committee's oversight body, modifications to a few key aspects of the LCR are currently under investigation but will not materially change the framework's underlying approach. The Committee will finalise and subsequently publish its recommendations in these areas by the end of 2012.
Banks that are below the 100 per cent required minimum thresholds can meet these standards by, for example, lengthening the term of their funding or restructuring business models which are most vulnerable to liquidity risk in periods of stress. It should be noted that the shortfalls in the LCR and the NSFR are not additive, as reducing the shortfall in one standard may also reduce the shortfall in the other standard.
Press release
© BIS - Bank for International Settlements

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