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10 March 2014


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IOSCO's latest consultation undertakes a high level comparative analysis of the key prudential/capital frameworks for securities firms. The report seeks to highlight similarities, differences and gaps among the different frameworks. Comments should be submitted by 10 June, 2014.

The report, entitled 'A Comparison and Analysis of Prudential Standards in the Securities Sector', highlights prudential regulatory and supervisory areas that might be considered in any update of the 1989 Capital Standards Report, particularly:

  • to identify opportunities for regulatory capital arbitrage that might (or actually have)  materialised from differences in prudential regulations across jurisdictions;
  • to account for the increasing use of internal models and the commensurate increase in infrastructure, systems and controls that are necessary to help ensure that firms are not undercapitalised compared to the risks posed by their positions and activities.

The report's comparative analysis focuses on the Net Capital rule (NCR) approach, in particular the US approaches, and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), which is founded on the Basel Committee approach. While focusing on those two main prudential frameworks, the report also recognises relevant national variations

The report also includes three questions on which IOSCO is seeking public comments. Comments should be submitted on or before 10 June, 2014.

Full media release 



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