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22 February 2011

Ein umfassender Ansatz zur Krise der Eurozone: Hintergrundberechnungen

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This background paper describes in detail the assumptions and calculations behind the results presented in Zsolt Darvas, Jean Pisani-Ferry and André Sapir ‘A comprehensive approach to the euro-area debt crisis’, Bruegel Policy Brief No 2011/02.

The first part of this working paper describes our sustainability analysis. The second part discusses the Euro Area exposure calculations.
Since official programme assumptions about growth and interest rates are widely viewed with scepticism, market information is used whenever available. Two scenarios are described: ‘optimistic’ and ‘cautious’, which differ only in terms of interest rate and growth assumptions. The first scenario is optimistic in the sense that it assumes a significant fall in the market interest rates for Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain compared to current and expected future market interest rates.

© Bruegel

Documents associated with this article

A comprehensive approach to euro-area crisis_ Background calculations (English).pdf

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