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23 September 2011


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A situation where Greece cannot pay back its public debt can no longer be excluded, European Central Bank Governing Council member Klaas Knot said on Friday.

Knot became the first eurozone central banker warning outright of the possibility of a Greek default. "It is one of the scenarios. I'm not saying that Greece will not go bankrupt", he was quoted. "I've long been convinced that bankruptcy is not necessary. The news from Athens, however, is at times not encouraging." The Dutch central bank head, who entered office this summer in a controversial appointment, continued by saying European partners had worked hard to help Greece, but faulted the country for not understanding the gravity of the situation.

Olli Rehn, European Union Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner, said on Thursday European leaders will not allow an uncontrolled default of Greek debt and will not let the country leave the eurozone, but did not explicitly rule out the possibility of Greece defaulting, which many economists now see as inevitable.

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© Reuters

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