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21 November 2011

ECON(欧州議会の経済通貨委員会):MiFID II(第二次金融商品市場指令)に関する市中協議

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The Rapporteur for the review of MiFID, Mr Markus Ferber (EPP, DE), has launched a consultation based on a questionnaire to inform the Committee's work on the review of MiFID. All interested parties are invited to send responses.

The call for evidence said: "The wide-ranging questionnaire seeks views on the scope of the legislation, proposals on the organisation of markets on trading, corporate governance, transparency and investor protection as well as the role of the European Supervisory Authorities". Ferber's questionnaire engages with some of the most controversial aspects of the MiFID proposal, including the creation of the new trading platform, known under MiFID II as an organised trading venue, and on how over-the-counter trading is defined. The review is a development that will open up the wide-reaching text to a further round of lobbying, and further delay the final implementation of the rules.

Deadline for comments is 13 January 2012. The responses will be made available to all members working on the MiFID review, and any responses to the questionnaire may be published.

Full questionnaire

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