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20 June 2018

ESMA(欧州証券市場機構)、MiFID 2(第2次金融商品市場指令)に基づくLEI(取引主体識別子)取得の猶予期間を2018年7月で終了へ

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Reporting firms have to use LEIs to report trades under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR). The six months period was introduced due to the fact that not all firms succeeded in obtaining LEIs in time for the MiFID II start.

ESMA and National Competent Authorities (NCAs) have since observed a significant increase in the LEI coverage for both issuers and clients. Based on these observations, ESMA and NCAs have concluded that there is no need to extend the initial six month period granted to support the smooth introduction of the LEI requirements under MiFIR. The temporary period will last until the 2nd July 2018, including.

Next steps

The end of the six month period means that NCAs’ activities with respect to the LEI requirements are now shifting from monitoring to ongoing supervisory actions. To ensure a high degree of supervisory convergence and the full application of MIFIR, ESMA and NCAs are coordinating the development of an appropriate and proportionate common supervisory action plan focused on compliance with the LEI reporting requirements under the respective MiFIR provisions.

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