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21 March 2011

Kanadische Aufsichtsbehörden veröffentlichen aktualisierten Vorschlag zu Rating-Organisationen

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The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) republished for comment proposed National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organisations and related consequential amendments, which would introduce securities regulatory oversight of credit rating organisations.

The Notice sets out revisions to the version of National Instrument 25-101 that was initially proposed in July 2010. The revised proposal takes into account feedback received from investors and marketplace participants on the initial proposal, and was enhanced in order to maintain consistency with international standards.

In keeping with the initial publication, the CSA continues to require credit rating organisations to apply to become a “designated rating organisation” (DRO) in order to allow its ratings to be used for various purposes within securities legislation. For example, certain debt securities will only have access to the short form prospectus system if they obtain a credit rating from a DRO. Under the proposals, a DRO would be required to establish, maintain and comply with a code of conduct that includes a set of provisions developed in accordance with international standards. In addition, the proposal was revised to address board governance standards of a DRO and to provide clarification of the duties and responsibilities of a DRO’s compliance officer.

The comment period is open until May 17, 2011.

Press release 

© CSA - Canadian Security Administrators

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